- the best way to invest in Cryptos?

Samuli Holopainen
5 min readMay 21, 2019

Looking at all the options available to invest in Cryptos nowadays, it might well be that is currently the best way to invest in them, and here is why.

Buying coins

Traditional Crypto investment is to buy some coin and hope it goes up.

If it goes up - good for you! If it goes down - you lose.

But even if it did go up and you sold at right time for profit, that was only a one time deal. You have now sold all your coins and got all the profit you are going to get from that deal, and you are back to beginning looking for another coin that hopefully goes up instead of down.

If you are able to make big money with your one-time investment, then this doesn't really matter. But for those of us who are able to put only smaller sums and hence profits are not life-changing amounts, this is a bit of a problem.

Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, making it difficult to become a big winner in the long run.

Mining Coins

Bit of a solution to this was to instead of buying coins, to start mining coins.

This was good since now instead of making profit only when a coin goes up, you could make money even when the price goes down since you are getting new coins all the time.

However, this seems to be only a temporary solution nowadays too when difficulty is such that only ASIC miners can do this anymore. And in addition to the high cost of buying one, the profitability of your machine goes down all the time until cost of running it is more than the profit, and this might happen even before you got back the cost of the machine.

“Proof of Stake” / Master Node coins

Luckily they developed cryptos further, and someone came up with “Proof of Stake”, or as they are usually referred to as - master node coins.

In master node coins it can be said that ASIC miners are replaced with master nodes, which are basically servers keeping the network up.

What is different in here is that logic is upside down. In ASIC you were competing to have the most powerful machine which resulted in high running cost, while master node servers compete in running with the least amount of power, making running cost be as low as possible. On top of that, all master node servers are equal regardless of their power. So whether you put up master node today, or you put one up ten years ago, they would both be equally powerful today, keeping them therefore theoretically always profitable since either everyone makes a profit, or no one does.

In addition, these master nodes are really cheap to put up, could be just a couple of dollars to set one up if you know how to do it. And this is the problem part for many, for most don't know how to set up a master node.

Master node hosting services

For this there are however nowadays plenty of master node hosting services that take the trouble away from us. No need to know how to set up one or keep it running. Just buy the service and let them do it for you.

But, while we are almost there now, there is still a problem. These server hosting companies naturally want to take some money from their service, like 1 EUR a month for each node they are running for you, and unless you are running one of the more expensive coins master nodes, it can well happen that one master nodes profit is less than 1 EUR a month, in which case you are losing money instead of making it.

However, there is now a solution even to this problem.

PEERTORO.EU is fairly new master node hosting service, only some months old, and one which most have not heard about yet.

What makes apart from all the other master node hosting services is its lifetime payment option.

Instead of paying something each month, you pay just once - a much bigger sum of course, but after that, there is no more cost, only income.

As an example we take TELOS master node, their currently cheapest master node. Normally we would use 1 000 TELOS coins to set up one master node and then pay perhaps that 1 Eur a month of hosting fee. With PeerToro however, we pay about 3 500 TELOS to get that one master node.

So start cost is much higher; with current TELOS price (as of the time of writing this), it would be around 8 Euros. But you can easily see that this is actually pretty cheap, for comparing with 1 EUR a month cost, this means that 8 months later I have basically paid same as I would have paid to other hosters, with one difference - with other hosting services I would still keep paying 1 Eur each month, while with peertoro I don't.

This is great from an investment point of view. I make a one-time investment, and after that, no matter what, there will be no more cost involved. This also means that even if the price of coin drops a lot, say to a situation where one node makes only 10 cents a month of income, it doesn't matter, since I have no upkeep cost. even with 10 cents a month of income, I would still get my original investment back in 80 months, and after that even a small profit. We can question whether investment like that can really be called profitable, but at least we didn't lose it.

Only way you can really lose with peertoro is if the coin for which you bought that master node to completely fails, otherwise it is always a win for you.


Is the best way to invest in Cryptos today? Might well be. Only other possibly better way I can think of, would be to buy a bluebox.


Image Credits

  • Title image was made by CryptoMicke
  • Peertoro Logo was taken from Peertoro marketing materials.

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