Tokugawa Era And The Impact It Had

2 min readOct 4, 2019


Analysis of the history of the education system in Japan reflects the culture of this great country. Samurai warriors were excellent men with many virtues and education was one of them. It would not be inaccurate to say that the Samurai way of thinking for IAS aspirants can be highly beneficial in their quest for disciplined studies.

Studies in temples

During the Tokugawa era, the Samurai schools were at the prime of their prowess. Students learned about the basics of various subjects, and with time, they became accomplished and respected scholars. Studying the intricacies of Confucianism was a significant part of their studies, and a lot of impetus was put on this facet.

Separate schools

You will be a bit surprised to find out that there were separate educational institutions for Samurais and others. It is also evident that the method of education followed in these schools was different from each other in many ways.

The impact of the west

The arrival of the Portuguese had a considerable impact on the prevailing education system in Japan. A lot of crucial changes took places in the 16th and 17th century. Some of them helped in further improvements to the system. However, not all the modifications that took place could be termed positive.

The struggle

Well, the Japanese schools tried their best to minimize the impact of western civilization. It was done not only to ensure the continuity of the prevailing education system but also to protect the effects on religion and culture.

Modern Japanese Education

History is often an indicator of the present. In the case of the Japanese education system, it is absolutely true. The Tokugawa methods left their indelible mark on the schooling practices in Japan. Modernization, while ensuring the preservation of cultural values makes the education system in this country, one of the best in the world.

