5 Simple Steps to Stake Samurai Doges And Claim $HON Tokens

Samurai Doge
3 min readDec 14, 2021


In order to seek glory, warrior needs to be sent into battles. With the launching of the most-anticipated $HON token, here’s the step-by-step guide on how to send your warrior to WAR and claiming its honor.

  1. Go to samuraidoge.net and ensure your Metamask wallet is connected
  2. Head to ‘My Samurai’ and click ‘Send Warriors to WAR’ to start staking your Samurai Doge NFTs

Once you’ve decided to send them to WAR, you will receive a pop-up; Either to auto-select all warriors or manually-select certain Samurai Doge NFTs to be staked. However it is recommended to stake all NFTs at once to minimize gas costs. Once selected, you would need to confirm the staking transaction on your Metamask extension.

3. Enlisting your NFTs in war is staking them to earn 10 $HON a day. You can start claiming once accumulated, either daily or wait until a large enough sum is gathered. Please note that each claiming process will involve gas cost.

To individually collect $HON, you may click ‘Collect’ on each Samurai Doge NFT or you may also claim them at once by clicking ‘Collect All’.

4. You can now start collecting your rewards!

You will be notified upon every successful claiming process.

5. To unstake your Samurai Doge NFTs, click on ‘Call Warriors Home’ and select which NFTs you would like to unstake from the list.

Once confirmed, your Samurai Doge NFTs will no longer generate $HON and you will receive another pop-up.

For more details on the amount of rewards received, you may toggle on your Profile to view the deposited rewards in your wallet.

With these 5 simple steps, you will be able to enlist your Samurai Doges in war (stake), Collect your accumulated $HON tokens and call home (unstake) your warriors.

Either to stake or not to stake, please note that…

  1. Samurai Doge NFTs only generate $HON when they are staked
  2. Staking and unstaking will require gas. It is highly recommended to stake all Samurai Doge NFTs at once instead of staking one-by-one to minimize gas costs.
  3. Once staked, your Samurai Doge will not appear on OpenSEA. Once unstaked, it will then show again on OpenSEA.
  4. You may also collect 300 $HON one-by-one or collect all. For a cheaper gas fee, it is best to claim all at once as it is all done in one transaction.
  5. You don’t have to claim daily. You can accumulate $HON over multiple days, weeks or months before choosing to claim in a transaction.
  6. 300 $HON is only available for those from 0–5399

Should you require more assistance in staking and claiming, feel free to reach out to us via Twitter or Discord.



Samurai Doge

Samurai Doge is a movement of 10K animated NFTs born on the Ethereum Blockchain. Join the army today! https://opensea.io/collection/samuraidoge