Buy the best samurai swords

2 min readMay 29, 2017


Are you looking for modern or antique samurai swords? It is important to check the quality of the sword so that you can buy the best samurai swords. You can learn how to buy samurai swords for sale by reading this article.

Samurai swords are popular all around the word. A large number of manufacturers are doing mass production of samurai swords in and outside Japan. The quality of the sword varies. The best samurai swords can be identified by looking at their four qualities: Appearance, forging, age and the name of the smith who made it.

Appearance is the first factor to find out if the sword is real or not. Some traditional swords have chips on the edge and rusts can be seen on the blade but these do not lessen the value of the sword. The sword should have high quality fittings, hilt, scabbard, blade and decorations.

All katana swords are made by folded steel process. The forging uses two different kinds of steel: one having high content of carbon and other with the lower carbon content. The steel is heated, hammered and folded many times. The blade is then tempered. This process results in making the blade tough and hard. It also produces light streaks on the blade and a fine temper line and shiny cutting edge.

The age determines the quality of the blade and the samurai sword because it was made by using the process of forging. The process of forging however was abolished in the fifteenth century and other methods were used.

The smith who made the sword was an important factor. There were only a few trained and professional sword smiths available in the past. It was very difficult to make a sword without using any advanced machines. Only a very talented and efficient sword smith could do this job. You can find out the name of the sword smith as you will find his signature on the handle. This will give you an idea if the sword was made by an efficient sword smith or is a replica made by the machine.

The best thing about the swords is that sword collection is not difficult because samurai swords are available for sale. There are many online stores where you can buy the swords of any type and period. They cater for the different needs and requirements of the people.

