Elevating Software Development with LLMs: 4 Key Strategies

Samuel G. Villegas
4 min readAug 10, 2023


When I first encountered generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Github Copilot, skepticism was my initial reaction. Why would I ever need something like that? But then, a friend shared his daily experiences with it, and I was intrigued.

From changing JSON parameters automatically to generating Excel data and producing test cases for functions, the potential use cases were impressive.

Driven by curiosity, I decided to take the plunge and dive into the technology.

The Magic of Large Language Models

I discovered a world of efficiency and creativity that I never thought possible. After that deep dive, generative tools, specifically Large Language Models(LLMs), quickly became essential to my code development process.

While not always perfect, they significantly improved my speed, reduced time spent on debugging, and cut down the hours I would usually spend reading StackOverflow or Google results for answers.

In a recent study by McKinsey, potential time savings reach up to 50% in tasks like documenting code functionality and writing new code.

If you’re wondering how to use LLMs to improve your software development productivity, here are four key strategies you can use:

Elevating Your Software Development LifeCycle: 4Key Strategies

1: Automate Documentation Generation and Maintenance

Software engineers and development teams can harness the power of LLMs to revolutionize how they handle project documentation. Tools like the one we're building at Crystal Docs using LLMs can help things from auto-generating initial documentation and maintaining standards to updating documentation in sync with code changes.

Need to understand a codebase without access to previous contributors? Ask the tool to explain what any given function or code does, and you'll have it. Have to create API documentation for a new module? Share the codebase with a brief explanation, and you have it. Merged a new feature to a release branch, and the documentation needs to be updated. It's already handled by the LLM connected to your CI/CD.

LLMs-based tools help transform how tech teams work by taking over routine documentation tasks, to focus on what they do best, and producing outstanding software solutions. Meanwhile, documentation remains consistent, accurate, and always up-to-date, enhancing the quality of the final product.

2: Enhance Code Reviews

LLMs-based tools can ensure thorough and consistent quality control when teams are working with large codebases contributing simultaneously. Software Teams can adopt these tools and align them with their coding standards and best practices, ensuring all code produced follows those.

Automating code review with LLMs involves automatic analysis and human oversight to validate the tool's findings. By leveraging LLMs to review pull requests, comment on the code structure, and suggest improvements, tech teams can elevate their code quality to higher standards. However, it's essential to maintain a balance between automation and human judgment to guarantee the relevance and accuracy of the review.

Implementing this strategy requires careful planning and ongoing evaluation to ensure that the benefits of the tools are observable while preserving the integrity and quality that only human expertise can provide.

3: Navigate Intellectual Property and Legal Landscapes

Navigating intellectual property and legal landscapes is crucial when employing LLMs in software development. Understand your rights and obligations when uploading and generating codebases with AI models, and recognize how different service providers might handle your data.

Develop clear guidelines, supported by regular legal reviews, to govern the use of AI in code generation. Even if this sounds boring or obvious, you and your team should pay attention to intellectual property concerns, licensing agreements, and any relevant laws that might apply to your specific use of LLMs. By crafting a well-considered strategy that balances innovation with legal responsibility, you'll ensure that your AI-enhanced software development complies with all necessary standards while protecting your intellectual assets.

4: Structured Approach – Task Selection, Fine-Tuning, and Risk Control

Whether you're running your Models or using an LLMs-based tool, you can ensure best practices by implementing a structured approach tailored to specific use cases your team needs.

LLMs can execute tasks like summarization, classification, question answering, and text generation; your goal is to choose which combination of those tasks suits you best for your software development process and then fine-tune the tools to comply with your defined quality and best practice standards.

Designing the best approach takes time and can be viewed as art, but a well-defined strategy should include risk controls to monitor the tools' effectiveness and compliance continuously. Moreover, a culture that emphasizes continuous improvement ensures that your AI enhancement strategy stays efficient, effective, and aligned with your software development goals.

With these strategies in mind, we at Crystal Docs are developing solutions designed to optimize the software development lifecycle for tech teams.

LLMs are augmentation tools that genuinely boost your software productivity, and my initial skepticism has transformed into admiration and reliance on these tools (I know this sounds a bit apocalyptic).

With the right approach, the benefits can be practical for individual developers and entire teams, effectively improving productivity and creativity in the software lifecycle process.

