Curium Masternode Guide
Section 1: Setting Up Your Vps
1.In order to have a masternode you must have a vps
I recommend you check out DigitalOcean at
As they currently have the best rates. All you need for a masternode is the cheapest option which should be 5 USD
2. Once you have rented the vps head over to your vps page or in digital oceans case view your ‘droplets’ from here you can either use a console or ssh to use the vps
If you want to ssh into your vps you will need to download a program called Putty download and install it. Once installed open it up and take your vps ip address and enter it into the prompt.
You will be asked if you are sure you want to do this, just hit yes.
You are now connected to your vps, login with the information you were emailed and change the password, now that you have the correct programs close your connection and go back to your vps providers website.
3. You are now going to create an inbound firewall rule. On DigitalOcean click on your vps it will bring up a screen showing more information on your vps, there will be a networking tab,
click on that and scroll down to the firewall area from there you will be able to click on new firewall rule,
you will now see inbound and outbound firewall rules. Navigate to the new rule prompt under the inbound rules click on it and there will be a drop down, choose ‘custom’ now make sure under ‘protocol’ it says TCP, if it does not it will instead say ‘UDP’ just click on it and select ‘TCP’. Last of all go to the port number and change it to 9999, last of all click save
4.Now at the top of the page you will see three tabs a Rules tab which you are in, a Droplets tab and a Destroy tab go to the droplets tab and hit the Add Droplets button
now type in the name of your droplet and select it. The firewall rule is now applied
Section 2: Setting Up Your Wallet
1.First you must download our latest wallet at Run the wallet and let it sync, (this could take 15–30 minutes).Then go to the upper right corner, go to the tools section
then select debug console new go to the console section and type ‘masternode genkey’ this will display an imported code copy it and put it into a text file for later.
2.Go to the recieve section and create an address called MN1 now copy the address it gives you and go to send now send exactly 1000 Curium to MN1 make sure to uncheck Darksend and Instantx.
Wait until this is confirmed and then go back to the debug menu and type ‘masternode outputs’ save that into a text file for later as well.
Section 3: Configuring Your VPS
1.Go back to Putty or the console on your VPS and type commands
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
You must now create a new user and give it root permissions to do this go
adduser Curium
adduser Curium sudo
The following is optional but will speed up the time it takes to compile.
(Optional) We are going to make a swap file to speed up the compiling process, we will use an extra 3gb of swap. To do this first type
Enter in your password and you now have root permissions now just type
fallocate -l 3G /swapfile
chmod 600 /swapfile
mkswap /swapfile
swapon /swapfile
echo -e “/swapfile none swap sw 0 0 \n” >> /etc/fstab
You now have a swap file
2.Now it is time to install dependencies that are required to make the wallet run type
sudo apt-get install -y pkg-config
sudo apt-get -y install build-essential autoconf automake libtool libboost-all-dev libgmp-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev git
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev
Next you must install the Curium wallet on your vps to do this first go
wget — no-check-certificate
tar zxvf v1.12.0.61.tar.gz
cd Curium-Official-
sudo chmod +x share/
sudo chmod +x
sudo chmod 755 src/leveldb/build_detect_platform
sudo ./
sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install
3.We are now going to start up the Curium daemon on startup up there will be a prompt telling you something called RPCUSER and RPCPASSWORD copy the values after then and save them in a text file, to first start the the daemon go
cd src
./curiumd -daemon
If at any point you wish to stop the daemon just simply type
./curium-cli stop
Now stop the daemon and type
sudo nano ~/.curium/curium.conf
You will now be inside a text file now copy and paste these values into the text file
rpcuser= put the RPCUSER value you got earlier here
rpcpassword= put the RPCPASSWORD value you got earlier here
masternodeprivkey= now put the masternode genkey you got in section 2 here
Start up the daemon again by first going back to that directory and then starting it
cd ~/Curium/src
./Curiumd -daemon
Section 4: Configuring Your Local Curium Wallet
1.Go to your computers files and type in the quick access bar
‘%appdata%/Curium/curium.conf’ this will bring up a text file just copy and paste
rpcuser= your RPCUSER from section 3
rpcpassword= your RPCPASSWORD from section 3
Then save it
2. Next go to the quick access bar and type %appdata%/Curium/masternode.conf this will also bring up a text file now copy and paste
MN1 your_vps_ip:9999 your_masternode_genkey your_masternode_output
3.Now go back to your wallets debug console and type ‘masternode start-alias MN1’
it should return
“alias” : “MN1”,
“result” : “successful”
You have now completed setting up a masternode if you are unsure about whether it is working or not type ‘masternode list’ and search for your vps ip with the word ‘enabled’ next to it.
If this guide helped feel free to donate some Curium to