The Wisdom Diaries

Week 8: Distraction

Sam Wren-Lewis
6 min readFeb 24, 2022

This is a series of weekly diary entries with an overarching purpose: transforming intellectual knowledge into embodied wisdom… What does that mean? Basically, I’ve read a lot of books on happiness. I’ve even written one of my own. I could easily write a hundred more articles on how the mind works. But I’m tired of simply talking about theories and not putting them into practice in my own life. So this diary is a personal wisdom training ground. Every week, I’ll reflect on how I can live differently on the basis of what I know intellectually.

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Paradise lost

I spent most of last week on a farm, looking after some goats. There was no wifi and it was freezing cold (well, not quite freezing, but you could still see your breath in the air, so it was cold enough). It was also physically much more demanding than my usual laptop-based existence.

And it was great. In contrast to my normal life, I felt much more rested, both mentally and physically. And I got just as much done. It was a perfect amount of time to just shut off form the world and enjoy the simple things in life.

I put most of this down to the fact that I didn’t have the usual screen-based distractions. No Internet. No social media. I found myself no longer semi-doing things, like watching a film, but checking…



Sam Wren-Lewis

PhD in happiness. Personal change, social change, and the link between the two. Sign up for my free newsletter, Human Thoughts: https://samwrenlewis.substack