Sam Zia
1 min readDec 17, 2016

That’s what happens when something tragic happens. We feel shattered and I guess the rest of our lives are spent trying to walk through, but we just end up falling and crawling and getting back up again, all the while trying not to lose any pieces of our broken souls.

It doesn’t matter what kind of tragedy really. Whether it’s failing at life, or achieving a lonely success. Or whether it’s the loss of a parent to something like cancer or simply the parents disinterest in the child itself.

All it takes is a heart-breaking tragedy to create a crack in the foundations of a life that’ll last forever, and everything else that comes after I suppose, it’s a matter of losing all the pieces completely or fervently trying to keep together what can be kept together.

Sam Zia

Either you say too much or you don’t say enough.