My Budgie Teaches Me to Live a Better Life Every day

Sam Rizi
4 min readJul 2, 2022


When you see a bird that’s joyful, it makes you happy too.

Photo: Peter Ganaj on Pexels

Every morning when I wake up, I come into my room and my budgie greets me at the window with his feathers fluffed out. It’s so sweet! You should see it! He has a mustache that looks like he carved out of wood himself with a pocket knife. It’s a work of art.

It eases my mind and makes me calm

Budgies are ideal pets for those who suffer from anxiety, depression, or any other mental health issues. They have been used in therapy to help those who suffer from such conditions and can make a huge difference even if you don’t have a diagnosed condition.

In addition to being good for your mood and overall well-being, budgies are also great companions. They’ll keep you company while you work on important tasks or study for exams by keeping their chirps within a manageable range so they don’t distract you too much as long as they’re not too loud (and most aren’t).

Seeing them happy and playful makes me happy

When you see a budgie that’s joyful, it makes you happy too. It’s contagious! Budgies naturally have a lot of energy and they love to play — they’re very curious birds who want to explore everything in their environment. Watching them play with toys or each other is entertaining but also therapeutic for both the bird and their human family members. As humans, we should take note of how much joy these beautiful creatures bring us every day.

It helps me concentrate on the things I need to do

In the morning, when I am working or studying, he helps me concentrate by sitting on my shoulder and chirping in my ear. It is hard to ignore him and get anything done when he’s there because he wants attention all the time — but it works out well because if I don’t pay attention to him, then he’ll just go away!

So when you are having trouble concentrating on something important, try bringing your budgie into the picture. He will help keep your mind off of distractions so that you can work better and faster.

Just hearing their chirps makes me smile even when I am in a bad mood

It is proven that birds are naturally calming, non-violent and joyful creatures. They are easy to please and learn quickly. Birds can teach us a lot about life if we observe them deeply. They can help us become better humans by teaching us patience, respect & love for one another.

If you have a budgie or parakeet at home as I do then you know exactly what I am talking about. You will often hear them chirping away or even singing to each other while fluttering around the cage happily. Just hearing their chirps makes me smile even when I am in a bad mood because it reminds me how grateful I am for having such wonderful friends in my life — my little buddies who make every day worth living!

Having budgies is a wonderful experience and they can teach us a lot about life as well as help us become better humans

Budgies are a great way to learn about nature, especially for children who don’t have animals of their own. In fact, having budgies can be even more beneficial than owning larger pets because they require less space and care.

Having a budgie in your home will also help improve your mental health by providing companionship, which reduces stress and anxiety levels. People who struggle with social phobias can benefit from having one pet because it provides them with an outlet for affectionate feelings that might otherwise go unfulfilled by other people in their lives.

As humans, we tend to get caught up in our day-to-day routines and forget that there are things out there worth appreciating beyond ourselves: like nature itself! Having budgies around our homes helps remind us of this fact every day while being entertaining enough not only to keep kids occupied but adults too!

They also teach us how to be more poised by being themselves; joyous and playful creatures that like nothing more than just hanging out with their owners. This makes them so easygoing and trusting that they qualify as wonderful pets! So if you want a budgie of your own then try adopting one today!

