Five Random Acts of Kindness

Sana Batool
2 min readJan 28, 2018



Random act of kindness is a non premeditated, inconsistent action designed to offer kindness towards the outside world. The phrase “practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty” was written by Anne Herbert on a placemat in Sausalito, California in 1982.

The most beautiful feelings that make a kind hearted person happy and his eyes glitters with the shine is that when he sees someone else become happy because of him. When you do something for others it will surely pay back to you at any stage of your life.

The Holy Prophet S.A.W.W said:

So I try to help others as much as I can.

Here I am going to share some Random Acts of Kindness of mine.

  1. Last Friday I was in a mosque where I saw an old leady on wheelchair. She could not come down from the stairs because she can fell down. So I and my friend helped her to cross the stairs and come down.
  2. My friend Areej is ill from 2 weeks. She is suffering from fever. She needed medicine so I went to the dispensary at night when it was too cold outside to bring medicine for her.
  3. I cleaned my room on this weekend so and wash all the crookery of my roommates.
  4. My cousin is suffering from heart disease so she always remain silent and has loos her all hope of life. I always search some good jokes for her and I send her these jokes. They are very funny that she often burst out with huge laugh.
  5. I send gifts from my pocket money to my cousin on his first day at school that made him so happy.

