Is Flutter the Best Option for Developing iOS Apps?

Syed Zohaib Akhter
5 min readJun 13, 2024

The goal of mobile app developers is to distribute their product to customers in a more cost-effective and efficient manner. During and after the development process, locating and using the right development tools is essential.

It is the primary reason why developers choose Flutter over other platforms for creating iOS apps, which makes sense given the company’s most recent statement.

In the year after its introduction, they claimed that the number of developers using the framework had increased to over two million. Additionally, recent data points to an increase in the creation of commercial and consumer apps for this technology. However, what is the real reason behind this success?

Flutter: What is it? A Synopsis

A software toolkit called Flutter makes it possible to quickly and efficiently create mobile apps for a variety of platforms. You can quickly develop natively coded, professional Android and iOS apps using Flutter.

Find a single codebase that supports both OS systems and use it instead of creating code for two different applications.

Various frameworks provide unique functionalities for creating mobile apps. In this sense, iOS uses a framework based on the Objective-C or Swift languages, while Android offers a framework based on Java and Kotlin.

Therefore, in order to create apps for both platform types, developers need to employ two different languages and frameworks. That’s why many developers have been waiting for a platform-independent technology like Flutter to deliver the answer they need.

They are also able to save a great deal of time, money, and effort.

Using Flutter to Develop iOS Apps Outstanding Attributes

Flutter was formerly thought to be limited to compatibility with Google services, such as Chrome. However, all changed when Flutter was introduced as the cross-platform framework. Apart with its renowned indigenous performance, it provides:

• Careful selection of materials
• Developers of iOS overall productivity

These days, quick testing and other special qualities are generally recognized.

A number of contemporary technologies that are distinct from those in original iOS applications are part of the Flutter development process. Let’s dissect the toolbox and see what makes Flutter such a potent player.

Material Design: Prototyping Made Simple

App development is a pretty complicated process, and analyzing different strategies takes time. Nonetheless, Flutter app development for iOS is a great tool since it gives programmers access to the Material Components Library’s visual capabilities.

For the implementation of iOS and Android apps, this is a flexible option. They can use smart widgets — essential elements for creating user interfaces — quickly and effectively by using Flutter.

Quick Testing with Hot Reload

The hot reload functionality of Flutter makes app development a lot simpler. You may observe any change made to your code without having to constantly refresh the application when you use this open-source solution.

With the kit, you can make changes to your app in real time and have more flexibility to play around with the code and fix problems right away.

CI & CD Using Fluff

Continuous delivery (CD) and integration (CI) may help automate and streamline the deployment of your software. To guarantee that your application is made accessible to your testing team and regularly evaluated without resorting to manual methods, follow CD rules while using Flutter.

Flutter: Top 5 Motivators for Creating iOS Apps

Individuals use a range of computer and mobile devices with a variety of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. Therefore, in order to attain harmony and a seamless user experience, companies need to accommodate various preferences.

Flutter makes it easier for them to do it.

After going over the basics of Flutter, let’s examine the useful features that have made this application framework so exceptional.

#1 Advanced Functionalities

Numerous advanced features, such GPS position tracking and pre-installed add-ons, are offered by Flutter. It also makes app development easier for those whose creation depends on features exclusive to an operating system. It implies that there would be no difficulties for organizations in developing and using Flutter applications.

#2 Fast Switch from Existing Applications

Individuals who have previously developed and installed applications in the past may be hesitant to switch to Flutter. This hesitancy stems mostly from the possibility of unforeseen, perhaps costly obstacles while creating applications for a new platform.

Because Flutter allows features to be embedded into the source code of original apps, this is prevented from occurring. This allows you to swiftly transition to Flutter.

#3 Experiencing Near-Native

Apps built using Flutter have the same scalability as native apps. You can create adaptable apps that function well on tablets and smartphones using Flutter. Developing applications that function quickly across numerous platforms is made possible with the Flutter framework.

#4 Advanced User Interface

Consumer experience is something that startups should focus on in particular. Material Design, Cupertino Design, and many other underlying platform components may be integrated more easily with the help of Flutter.

Its multi-layer architecture allows for complete scalability, blazingly fast rendering, and layout customization. It offers a smooth and practical means of communication for users. Flutter is therefore the ideal tool for producing a high-quality product with a high-quality user interface.

#5 Quicker TTM

Businesses need to update their apps with improvements and changes as soon as feasible. Developers may provide the following features with standard code bases by using Flutter.

• Development of cross-platform applications
• Lower expenses
• Time-to-market (TTM) decreased
• Quick updates on products and services

Your Next Move in Developing a Flutter App

Maybe the greatest thing to hit the mobile developer community in a long time is Flutter. We strongly advise you to give it a try if you haven’t already. It has an amazing framework that advances native platforms as well as currently available cross-platform frameworks.

Among the many characteristics of Flutter are improved app creation and simultaneous app improvements for both iOS and Android. Despite being relatively new, Flutter has seen several improvements since its first release.

You need to think about your goals and the business strategy for your project while creating an application that will succeed. In many ways, Flutter is a terrific framework, however it has certain drawbacks much like any other cross-platform tool or framework.

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Syed Zohaib Akhter

I am Zohaib Akhter and I am the senior software developer at LinkitSoft. A leading custom software development company. I love to write about tech and softwares