Waves of Us demo

Sana Maqsood
2 min readMar 3, 2024

Master’s thesis demo day.

For demo day, I created visual and sonic experience that adapts to two users brainwaves. I will be pulling in the data from P5JS to then max which I then created visualizations in max which I will project onto 2 walls in front of each user.

My limitations were understanding MAX and what is possible. Since I am new to MAX, I started off small and my goal was to change the visualizations more for the final project as I get more comfortable with the tool and its functionality. I do also plan on adding sounds that map to the brainwaves for the final thesis showcase. For learning MAX, I got support form Luke and Craig to start off but continued to explore the visualizations on how I wanted the demo piece to look and feel.

As for questions, I am focusing on reviewing my past research to understand when certain brainwaves show up and what each waves mean so I can speak to them. For my current visualization I focused on alpha and theta waves.

The questions I have for the audience and faculty are:

  • Do they like the overall experience?
  • Do they have any feedback on how the experience can be?
  • Do they think the instructions should change?
  • Do they want something else in the experience that’s not included?
  • What did you think off the layout?
  • How did they perceive the visualizations?
  • Do they wish the visualizations were different?
  • Do they understand what the data is what it means?



Sana Maqsood

Graduate Student at NYU | Founder of SOOD | UX Designer II at Amazon