Motivation — it’s right inside you!

Sukh Anand
3 min readMay 9, 2017


This post goes for Support Driven writing challenge.

“Motivation: What makes you excited about working in customer support?”

I have already shared what made me work in customer support, and how it gives me the opportunity to do great things for others. Fortunately, once again thru Support Driven challenge, I got the chance to share what excites me to work in customer support having same zeal and motivate myself. :)

I heard from people saying that they are bored doing the same tasks day-in and day-out. Yeah, human tendency! And to break this, you need a kick. It happens to me too when I don’t feel like working on the same usual tasks. Generally, it happens when I’m looking for new challenges to knock at the door. These challenges could be anything.

It is working on complicated cases — they’re so delightful. When you work on them and find the culprit, wow. It also involves working on long pending cases and resolving them.

The next in the queue is finding those hidden bugs which are not identified yet (oh that feeling!).

they can’t hide from me for long :)

When I come across a long case with so many to-n-fro conversations, it makes me nervous. Rather than reading the last posts, I always start from the scratch. And guess what, I end up catching those wicked bugs. This makes me feel proud of my debugging skills! (one more kick)

Did I mention, I love talking to irate customers and handle them, whom no one prefers to talk with. They’re my favorites.

ohh baby! but I handle them with care!

Yesterday, while working with one of our engineers, I got a compliment “wow this customer is quite rude, I admire your patience with him!”. Do you think it’s a normal statement, yes, it is! But these small compliments too give me a kick.

Of course, reading blogs and posts of Support heroes always help in keeping me motivated. I just love the way Support people handle tough situations (that makes me remind, we have this topic on the list too!) whether it’s someone from my own team or any other support team. Just to add, I am a big fan of Richard Branson! His posts/books help me to do more (one of my fav books is ‘Screw it, let’s do it’).

Lastly, my grown-up bunnies help me to do more n more and achieve great things. This is my strong belief, with family n friends support, you can do wonders!

I just love them!

I have learnt a lot being in customer support, and I know there’s still a long way to discover new things! As I always say, it is just the power of mind to feel “You’re awesome!” — a feel good factor! (try it out!).



Sukh Anand

Head Customer Success & Support @socialpilot, X-Unifyed, X - @Kayako Fanatic about #customerhappiness.#custexp #support dedicate weekends to #family