Self care — First Love Yourself (F.L.Y)

Sukh Anand
3 min readJun 24, 2017


As support professionals it is easy to take care of everyone else and forget to take care of ourselves. What do you do for self care? — Support Driven Writing Challenge

As the topic goes, it’s easy to neglect your mental/physical health, and prioritize work and productivity. It’s because we don’t really consider self-care as “a key” thing. But to work in a healthier way and connect with people, you need to take care of yourself. To keep you calm, fresh, enhance thinking; to bloom like a flower!

Honestly when I started to write about this topic, I was bit hesitant to talk about self care. And the reason was, I really do not take care of myself (physically).

But this is something which I always plan to start with, every day. Even now too! — mind it “plan” (never started) :D

However, self care revolves around different things. Physical fitness is one of its piece, and it has another composition.

Self Love

Loving yourself endows you to love others. Once you accede your views, your mistakes, your success, you are empowered enough to listen to others and accept their opinions. (trust me, it really works)


Music adds life to my life. It helps me to focus on my stuff and come up with new ideas. Ohh you don’t believe me- it’s a true fact! Whenever I need to learn something new (online exam, training, etc) I need to have my music by my side. And it’s the same while dealing with my daily to-doist. When I used to handle 3–4 chat requests simultaneously, I need loud music. When I need to deal with irate customer, I need slow/romantic music. (sounds funny lol :D)


Meditation help me to transform my mind from negative to positive, from disturbed to peaceful, from unhappy to happy. I don’t do it early morning or sit at roof with peace, nothing like that. I do it when I go to bed (yes, that’s correct). It helps me to rewind my entire day and overcome negative minds and cultivate constructive thoughts. Just like throwing all the ideas at wall and picking up only positive and thoughtful ideas.

Travel — to pause

Picture explain itself! And it’s so true. For taking care of myself, I need a break to pause my routine. This helps me to rejuvenate and come up with a garden-fresh aspect.



Sukh Anand

Head Customer Success & Support @socialpilot, X-Unifyed, X - @Kayako Fanatic about #customerhappiness.#custexp #support dedicate weekends to #family