The 7 Immortals: The immortal beings in Hindu mythology

5 min readAug 5, 2024


In Hindu mythology, there exist 7 immortal beings who have been blessed with the gift of immortality. These revered figures, known as the Chiranjeevis, transcend time and remain ever-present in Hinduism’s spiritual and cultural landscape. Their eternal existence symbolizes divine power and timeless wisdom, inspiring countless generations with their tales of bravery, devotion, and righteousness.

1. * The bountiful king Bali*

7 immortal: King Balifrom satyug

To gain control all over the three Worlds, King Bali performed the ‘Vishwajeet’ yagyan as suggested by guru Sukracharya. To oppose this Lord Vishnu was born as the son of Aditi, and she named her ‘Vamana’ ( as he was a dwarf ). Vamana slowly approached the place where Vishwajeet Yagya was being performed and stood up next to Bali who is known for his generosity. He was reciting ‘Sam Veda’ which enchanted Bali and he vowed to the Vamana. He asked the Vamana what does he want. Vamana asked for three steps of land. Mahabali agreed without hesitation. In just two steps, Vishnu covered the entire universe and placed his final step on Mahabali’s head which had taken him to the netherland, yet he did not revert. Vamana was pleased with Bali’s gratefulness and came into his actual form. He blessed Bali with immortality.

2. *Parshuram A legendary Brahmin and a Kshatriya*

Parshuram A legendary Brahmin and a Kshatriya

The story of Lord Parshuram is both fascinating and inspiring. He was the sixth avatar of Lord Vishnu, Parshuram holds a unique place among the cheeranjivis. His life is a blend of sage-like wisdom and warrior valor. Lord Parshuram was born to sage Jamadagni and his wife Renuka. He was named ‘Parshuram’ because of the axe (Parshu) he wielded. This weapon was given by Shiva and was a symbol of his purpose and his vow to protect dharma (righteousness) and fight against adharma (unrighteousness). Pasrshuram’s immortality was granted by his father. The tale goes like this when Jamadagni asks his 4 sons to cut the head of their mother without question, all of them deny it except the youngest parshuram. He slashed off his mother’s head in a jiffy. Impressed with his service jamadagni blesses him with immortality and asks him for a boon. Parshuram in return asks his mother’s life back.

3. * A beacon of trust and devotion:- Lord Hanuman *

Let’s not forget about Lord Hanuman! He is possibly the most famous among the Chiranjivi. Known as the monkey god and devotee of Lord Rama, Hanuman has legendary strength & unwavering faith in Rama. Rama himself granted him immortality so he could protect devotees on Earth forever! Whenever you speak or chant Rama’s name, it’s said that Hanuman is nearby, ready to bless & help you — a true sign of courage & selfless service!

4. * A paragon of truth over family:- Vibhishana *

Then we have Vibhishana, who was Ravana’s brother — a really interesting character from the Ramayana! Unlike Ravana, Vibhishana chose goodness & teamed up with Lord Rama instead. His loyalty earned him Rama’s respect, which led to him becoming king of Lanka after Ravana fell. Lord Rama granted him immortality so he could keep ruling Lanka fairly and uphold dharma (righteousness). Vibhishana’s story shows that sometimes right choices mean more than family ties!

5. * The Sage of Sages: Rishi Ved vyas *

ved vyasa is one of the 7 immortals

Ved Vyas, revered as the author of the Mahabharata, is considered immortal in Hindu tradition. He is believed to be a Chiranjivi, one of the seven eternal beings who remain alive through the ages to guide humanity.

Vyas’s immortality is symbolic of his timeless wisdom and enduring influence on Hindu philosophy, culture, and scripture. As a sage who compiled the Vedas and authored numerous Puranas, his teachings continue to inspire and guide devotees. His presence is often invoked during spiritual practices, signifying his eternal role in preserving and transmitting sacred knowledge across generations.

6. * The catching attention warrior:- Ashwatthama *

Ashwatthama, son of Dronacharya. He’s a really interesting character from the Mahabharata. Famous for his incredible skills in war and his friendship with Lord Krishna, Ashwatthama had a big role in the epic battle at Kurukshetra. But there’s a twist! His immortality came as a curse. After the war ended, he, in a fit of anger & revenge, killed tried killing the unborn baby of Abhimanyu and Uttara. Because of this act, Lord Krishna cursed him to wander Earth forever, suffering from painful sores and deep loneliness. His endless life reminds us about the dangers of anger and revenge.

7. * The last immortal:- Kripacharya *

one of the revered figures in Hindu mythology is celebrated for his immortality. He was the royal teacher of the Kuru princes and played a significant role in the Mahabharata. Born to the sage Shardwan and the celestial nymph Janapadi, Kripacharya was granted the boon of immortality by Lord Krishna. This divine gift made him one of the seven Chiranjivi (immortal beings) destined to live through the ages. His unwavering devotion, wisdom, and martial prowess exemplify his enduring significance in the epic tales, serving as a timeless guardian of dharma (righteousness) and spiritual knowledge. His presence underscores the values of dedication, duty, and the perpetual guidance of the righteous path.




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