12 days of writing consistently: 5 astounding benefits

Sanchari Pait
2 min readMay 2, 2023


Image source: https://www.helpscout.com/

I wrote my first Medium story on 17th of April and I’m writing this one on the 29th.

I wrote 9 articles so far and filled pages with chicken notes of ideas.

And the consistency has pleasantly surprised me!

Here are 5 ways writing has improved my life over the last few days

5. Better emails at work

You write emails everyday.

Writing consistently has helped me draft more effective and crisp emails at work.

Now I’m able to write better, easier to understand emails.

Here’s what I apply:

  • Shorter sentences
  • More white spaces in between
  • A call to action in the end that triggers the recipient to take the next step

In case I require multiple actions from the recipient, I put them in bullets or numbered lists.

This gives them a mental To-Do list which might prompt them to act quickly.

4. More effective conversations

Surprisingly, writing has also helped me talk better!

I find myself putting across my points in a more logical manner.

This also applies to chats. I’m able to write messages that are short, clear and to the point.

It has helped me get faster and desired responses from the other end.

In short, it lets me get my work done quicker.

3. More confidence

I might be working on just one skill- writing, but the effects are not limited to just that.

I feel more confident not only as a writer, but as a person too.

The confidence spills over to the other aspects of life.

When you’re working hard to sharpen a skill, never think you’re getting better at only one thing.

It’s amazing how it makes you a more evolved and confident individual!

2. Less doom scrolling

This is my favourite of all the points I’m listing here!

Earlier, I would spend most of my non-work time scrolling through multiple social media platforms.

This left my mental health gasping for air.

Ever since I started writing regularly, my time spent doom scrolling has reduced to less than half.

I’m using that time to build a skill instead. So happy!

1. A purpose

This is #1 because this is THE BEST thing that can happen to you!

I’ve been getting out of bed every morning to write something new each day. To jot down more interesting ideas.

Something that excites me, fulfils me. And helps me add value to people reading me.

This is the best feeling ever. It’s gold!

Do mention in the comments if you feel this too!

In case you’re also a new writer like me, you might want to check out this message that I have for fellow budding writers!

If you enjoyed this, help me joyfully get out of bed every morning by:

  • Leaving 50 claps
  • Hitting follow

Happy writing!



Sanchari Pait

Writes about actionable self-improvement, travel, art & books