Mercury Retrograde: It’s Not So Scary After All

Sanctuary World
Published in
3 min readJun 30, 2020

It’s that time again: Astrology’s so-called bad boy, Mercury, is in retrograde. But what’s all the hype about? We’ll break things down to help you understand what this astrological phenomenon means for you.

What does Mercury do again?

Mercury, the planet closest to the sun, represents your mind. Its influence shows up in how you listen, think, speak, and write. (So, what most of us have to do for work, and how we connect with others.) Think of it as how you process everything your brain takes in. Everything from your curiosities to the way you tell stories is reflected by Mercury’s placement in your chart.

Got it! And what’s a retrograde?

During a retrograde, a planet looks like it’s moving backward in the sky. But it’s actually an optical illusion! With the different orbits of the planets, Mercury seems to move faster or slower as it passes by or falls behind Earth in its journey around the sun.

Why’s Mercury retrograde such a big deal?

We tend to give Mercury a lot of attention because it’s the planet most often headed retrograde. Also, it can be a doozy. When Mercury’s moonwalking, you might feel like you’re sliding backward, too. During this period, being productive may feel harder, and the areas influenced by Mercury can get chaotic. Expect a couple of, “Oops, I didn’t mean to send that to you!” texts.

The weeks surrounding Mercury retrograde matter, too. A week or so prior, things will start to get a little bit helter-skelter as the active energy of Mercury stalls out and gears up to reverse course in the sky. That’s the time to pump the breaks on anything that feels less than complete and be extra careful with your devices and email. (Don’t forget to back up that backup!)

The days following Mercury retrograde are when you’ll slowly brush off the sleep from your eyes. It’s a time of readjustment, and the best medicine for that is patience.

Sounds scary.

Not at all! Retrogrades aren’t all bad. Mercury retrograde cycles are essentially the planet’s way of making sure you process and use what you’ve learned. So, instead of panicking during a retrograde season, go ahead and relax. Other “re-” verbs can help you at this time too: reflect, recharge, revise, review, and rework. Remember, slowing down can be productive too!

OK! What does all this mean for me specifically?

Ultimately, Mercury’s effects this retrograde season are unique to you and your chart. Did you know you’ve got a Mercury sign, too? You’re so much more than your sun sign.

Chat now with a Sanctuary astrologer to find out how Mercury’s motion impacts you. Be sure to check out your chart while you’re there!



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