My First Mobile Application UI Design Experience: A Creative Journey

Sandanima Sansiluni pokunugala
3 min readJul 22, 2023


Welcome to my mobile app UI design blog! In this post, I am thrilled to take you on a journey through the creation of the “Healthcare and Medical” app UI. As a UI designer, I was inspired to contribute to the health and well-being of users by designing an intuitive and visually appealing interface. Join me as I share the thought process, challenges, and innovations that shaped the Healthcare and Medical app UI.

1. The Inspiration Behind the App Idea: Setting the Foundation Every great design starts with an idea. In this section, I describe the inspiration behind the app concept and the problem it aims to solve. I outline the target audience and their specific needs to guide my design decisions effectively.

2. Research and Exploration: Gathering Design Inspiration Before diving into the actual design, I take some time to conduct thorough research. I explore various mobile app designs, review design patterns, and seek inspiration from other successful apps. I create mood boards and collect elements that resonate with the app’s theme.

3. Sketching and Wireframing: Giving Shape to Ideas With my research in hand, I begin sketching rough drafts and wireframes on paper. I experiment with different layout options and user flows, seeking the most intuitive and user-friendly arrangement.

4. Colors and Typography: Breathing Life into the Design Choosing the right colors and typography is vital for setting the app’s tone and establishing its identity. In this section, I explain my color palette choices and the rationale behind them. I also describe how I select fonts to enhance readability and aesthetics.

5. Designing the Interface: Turning Wireframes into Art With the wireframes as my guide, I start creating the visual elements of the app. I describe the process of designing icons, buttons, and other UI components. I pay special attention to ensuring consistency and a seamless user experience across different screens.

6. Final Thoughts: Lessons Learned and Future Endeavors As I conclude my first mobile application UI design experience, I reflect on the valuable lessons I’ve learned throughout the process. I share my thoughts on the importance of continuous learning and how I plan to further enhance my UI design skills in the future.

Designing my first mobile application UI was an incredibly rewarding experience. It allowed me to unleash my creativity, problem-solving skills, and passion for creating meaningful user experiences. I hope my journey inspires other aspiring UI designers to embrace their creativity and take their first step into the world of mobile app design.

Thank you for joining me on this creative journey. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to share them in the comments below. Happy designing!

