Failure is not permanent

Failure is not permanent

4 min readJul 3, 2016

Recently I saw many cases where a student committed suicide due to exam failure. so decided to write the story of famous people got the failure in an early stage of life and later succeeded.

If something is not happening as per our expectation then we become depressed, jealous, discouraged or start thinking of hate towards life. But people forget that life never gives us guarantee to get expected result. When we into the game, we should put all efforts into it without thinking of result. There may be a chance, we get success in tenth’s attempt after nine failures. Life is a game of both success and failure, not only success. A true player never loses confidence after failure. Big different between a winner and loser is, winner tries to find the solution to every problem, failure and difficulties where loser sees problem in every situation. Don’t make failure as the decisive moment of your life, learn from it and take that experience as inspiration for next attempt.

Abraham Lincoln

· Force to leave home with his parent when he was 7.

· Started working to support his family. Lose his mother at the age of 9.

· Want to learn the law, unable to due to economic problems.

· Started shop with a partner at 23. Partner was dead after 3 years with huge debt. Taken a lot of year to pay that.

· Won on the third attempt in congress election, but lose after two years.

· Lost his son at the age of 41.

· Lost senate election at the age of 45.

· Lost parliament election at the age of 49.

·Won election of president at the age of 51.

My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure- Abraham Lincoln

Oprah Winfrey

In her early years, Oprah not only was her living conditions rough, but she was always sexually abused, starting at the age of 9, by her cousin, uncle, and a family friend.

At the age of 14, Oprah got pregnant, but her son died shortly after birth

Oprah was hired on to a local television station for the news, things didn’t go so easily. She was fired by the producer because she “unfit for television,”

She hosted a local talk show named, People are talking. Later, in 1983. Within a few months, the show went number one show at the time. This led to the show being renamed The Oprah Winfrey Show.

There is no such thing as failure. Failure is just life trying to move us in another direction-Oprah Winfrey

Soichiro Honda

In childhood days, He began by helping his father, who ran a small bicycle repair shop.

When he grew older, Soichiro started his own workshop. He worked hard to design a piston that he could sell to Toyota. After several years of work and financial pressures so huge that he had to sell his wife’s jewelry, Soichiro’s design was rejected.

So Soichiro started again. Then came the terrible years of World War II. All of Japan’s resources went into the war effort. There was no money for new cars, even those with a new type of piston. But Soichiro kept going, somehow managing to build a small factory — which was promptly bombed twice.

After the war ended, he rebuilt his factory a third time, destroyed in an earthquake.

Soichiro still didn’t give up, He created a bicycle with a small motor on it. He wrote letters to 18,000 bicycle shop owners, asking them to help him for a production of a bike. It worked. He is the founder of Honda.

Success is 99 percent failure-Soichiro Honda

Lets go fail again

“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”
- Samuel Beckett

