How to manage kids from the age of 2–12 during the COVID19 pandemic

Sandeep Adnani
2 min readMay 11, 2020


Photo by Austin Pacheco on Unsplash

Kids, though young and small, are like mini-adults. They like to have control over their life and you can help them during this uncertain time by:

  1. Giving them the information which is appropriate so they can understand why their whole life, routine and schedule has changed.
  2. You are currently their resilience coach, how you behave during this crisis will form the foundation of how they handle similar events in the future, so try your best to be calm and don’t stress!
  3. Parents are human after all and there are bound to be episodes where you break down or lose your cool! Don’t worry, just take them aside to explain why you are feeling like this (be careful not to transfer the stress), and apologize if your reaction has hurt them in any way.
  4. Lead by example. Keep safe distances, wash your hands and clean surfaces, asking them to do the same.
  5. Create an environment of ease and peace. It is an anxious time and they will pick up on your shift in energy, which will make them anxious and on edge as well.
  6. Make sure they see their friends, grandparents, cousins on line, so that they can maintain ties, relationships and communication.
  7. Try and take them outdoors safely, to connect with nature and work off any stress they might hold.
  8. It is a stressful time for parents, relax your routine if you have to and don’t worry about tasks that haven’t been completed. Lapses in our ideal schedules are bound to happen during this time, be kind and gentle with yourself and your children.

Sandeep Adnani is a Mental Health Counsellor, who runs an online, phone and face to face counselling service on

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Sandeep Adnani

Mental Health Counsellor | Amazon #1 Bestselling Author of The Exiled Rogue Series | Blogger @ |