From Good to Great: Elevating Your Product Copywriting

Sander, the UX Guy
4 min readJan 27, 2023


When it comes to e-commerce, the product page is often the make-or-break point for a customer’s decision to purchase. So, it’s important to know how to write effective product copy to increase conversions and boost sales.

First things first, let’s define what we mean by “product copywriting.” Simply put, it’s the written words on a product page that describe and sell the product to potential customers. This includes the product title, product description, meta description, and meta title.

Now, onto the good stuff: how to write killer product copy.

Product Title

Keep it short and sweet. The product title should accurately and succinctly describe the product and include important keywords to increase visibility on search engines.

  • Good copy: “Men’s Leather Dress Shoes”
  • Bad copy: “Fancy Footwear for Men”

Product Description

This is where you can get a little more detailed and creative with your language. The recommended length for a product description is around 200–300 words. Use bullet points to highlight key features and include keywords for SEO. And don’t be afraid to use a little humor or personality in your language to connect with your target audience.

  • Good copy: “Step up your shoe game with these sleek and stylish men’s leather dress shoes. Made with genuine leather and featuring a durable rubber sole, these shoes will take you from the office to a night out on the town with ease. Plus, with a variety of colors to choose from, you’ll always have the perfect pair to match any outfit.”
  • Bad copy: “These are shoes for men. They are made of leather and have a sole. You can wear them to work or out. They come in different colors.”

Meta Description and Meta Title

These are the snippets of text that appear on search engine results pages. The meta title should be around 60 characters and include the main keyword. The meta description should be around 150–160 characters and give a brief overview of the product.

  • Good Meta Title: “Men’s Leather Dress Shoes — Stylish and Durable” Good Meta Description: “Upgrade your shoe collection with these genuine leather dress shoes for men. Perfect for the office or a night out.”
  • Bad Meta Title: “Shoes for Men” Bad Meta Description: “A variety of shoes for men to choose from.”

Now that you have a basic understanding of how to write product copy, let’s delve into some tips and recommendations.

  • Use action words and phrases to encourage conversions, such as “buy now” or “limited-time offer.”
  • Use customer testimonials or reviews in the product description to add social proof and credibility.
  • Use images and videos to supplement the product copy and give customers a better visual understanding of the product.
  • Keep SEO in mind by including keywords in the product title, description, meta title, and meta description.
  • Consider the tone of voice you want to use and make sure it aligns with your brand and target audience.

When it comes to choosing the tone of voice for your product copy, it’s important to consider your target audience and brand identity. For example, if your brand is known for its sense of humor and casual tone, it would make sense to incorporate that into your product copy. On the other hand, if your brand is more serious and professional, a more formal tone would be more appropriate.

One important aspect to keep in mind is the use of keywords. Keywords are the words and phrases that people use to search for products online. By including relevant keywords in your product title, description, meta title, and meta description, you increase the chances of your product showing up in search engine results. However, be careful not to stuff too many keywords in your copy as it can negatively impact your SEO.

There are several tools available online that can help you with keyword research, such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs. These tools will give you an idea of the search volume, competition, and related keywords for a particular term.

Once you have your list of keywords, it’s important to use them strategically in your product copy. Don’t stuff too many keywords in your copy as it can negatively impact your SEO. Instead, use them naturally and sparingly throughout your product title, description, meta title, and meta description.

In addition, including internal and external links in your product copy can also improve your SEO. Internal links are links that point to other pages within your website, while external links are links that point to other websites. These links can help search engines understand the structure of your website and improve the crawling and indexing of your pages.

By following these tips and incorporating them into your product copywriting strategy, you can improve your SEO and increase your chances of showing up in search engine results.

As a final tip, it’s always a good idea to look at product copywriting examples to get an idea of what works and what doesn’t. Look at both good and bad examples to understand the difference and how you can improve your own product copy.

In conclusion, writing effective product copy can be a bit tricky, but with the right techniques and tips, you can increase conversions and boost sales.

Remember to keep it short and sweet, use action words, include testimonials, use images and videos, and consider your tone of voice.

Happy selling!



Sander, the UX Guy

Tech enthusiast and lifelong learner, constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities to grow.