The Power of Engaging Microcopy: A Guide to Writing Button Text that Converts

Sander, the UX Guy
5 min readFeb 5, 2023


…In the world of website design, the importance of microcopy often goes unnoticed. It is the little details, the tiny pieces of text, that can make all the difference in a user’s experience. Buttons, in particular, are the unsung heroes of microcopy. They are the gatekeepers to the rest of your website, and the text you choose to put on them can either make or break a user’s journey.

However, the art of writing engaging button text is often overlooked. Most websites settle for generic, uninspiring text like “Submit” or “Sign Up.” But the truth is, with a little effort and creativity, you can turn your buttons into powerful conversion tools. In this article, we will explore the different types of buttons and how to write button text that engages, informs, and converts.

Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons

Making the Ask: Tips for Writing Compelling CTA Buttons

A call-to-action (CTA) button is the most crucial type of button on your website. It is the bridge between your visitors and your desired outcome, whether it be a purchase, sign-up, or download. To write an effective CTA button, you need to make the ask clear and compelling.

Here are some tips:

  • Be specific and concise. A CTA button should clearly state what action the user will take, without any ambiguity. For example, instead of “Sign Up Now,” try “Sign Up for Free Access.”
  • Use action-oriented language. Words like “Get,” “Start,” or “Join” convey a sense of urgency and encourage users to take action.
  • Make it personal. A CTA button is a request from you to the user, so make it feel that way. Use “My,” “Our,” or “Your” to create a personal connection.
  • Add a sense of urgency. Use language that communicates the time sensitivity of the offer, such as “Limited Time Offer” or “Get It Now.”

Example: “Get Your Free Trial Now”

Why not just use a simple ‘Sign Up’ button?

While a simple “Sign Up” button may seem like the safer choice, it lacks the specificity and urgency of a well-crafted CTA button. By using action-oriented language and adding a sense of urgency, you can increase the likelihood that a user will take the desired action.

Navigation Buttons

Navigating with Purpose: Writing Clear Navigation Buttons

Navigation buttons are the backbone of your website. They guide users from one page to another and determine the overall structure of the user’s journey. Writing clear, concise navigation buttons is crucial for a positive user experience.

Here are some tips:

  • Keep it simple. Navigation buttons should state the destination of the link, without any added fluff.
  • Use clear and descriptive language. Instead of “Services,” try “Our Services and Products.”
  • Consider the hierarchy. The language you use for navigation buttons should reflect the hierarchy of your website. The most important pages should have the most prominent buttons.

Example: “Explore Our Products”

Why not use icons instead of text for navigation buttons?

While icons can be useful visual aid, they should never be used in place of text. Icons can be unclear and lack context, leaving users confused about where they will be taken if they click the button. Text, on the other hand, provides clear and concise information, leaving no room for confusion. Furthermore, not all users will understand the meaning of icons, making the text the most universally accessible form of navigation.

Confirmation Buttons

Writing Confirmation Buttons that Command Attention

Confirmation buttons serve an important purpose: they ensure that the user intends to take a specific action. These buttons are often used in forms, pop-ups, and modals to confirm a user’s decision before submitting. Writing clear and attention-grabbing confirmatory buttons is key to preventing accidental submissions and minimizing user errors.

Here are some tips:

  • Make the action clear. Confirmation buttons should clearly state what action the user is about to take. For example, instead of “OK,” try “Delete Item.”
  • Use contrasting colors. Confirmation buttons should stand out from the rest of the design to command attention and prevent accidental clicks.
  • Avoid using negative language. Words like “No,” “Cancel,” or “Stop” can be confusing and increase the likelihood of user error.

Example: “Confirm Purchase”

Why not just use a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ confirmation button?

While “Yes” or “No” buttons may seem like a simple solution, they lack the specificity and attention-grabbing power of a well-crafted confirmation button. By clearly stating the action the user is about to take and using contrasting colors, you can reduce the likelihood of user error and ensure that the user fully understands the consequences of their decision.


In conclusion, writing engaging microcopy for your website is a crucial aspect of design. Whether it’s a CTA button, navigation button, or confirmatory button, the text you choose can make a big impact on the user’s experience. By following the tips and examples outlined in this article, you can turn your buttons into powerful conversion tools that engage, inform, and convert.

So go ahead, get creative, and start writing button text that your users will love!



Sander, the UX Guy

Tech enthusiast and lifelong learner, constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities to grow.