How to Hire Top Node.js Developers | Complete Guide

Sandip Malaviya
Samarpan Infotech
Published in
10 min readJan 30, 2020
Guide to Hire best Node.js Developers Image Banner

If you are looking to hire node.js developers for your next project or to resolve any major issue then this blog is your complete guide.

The year 2017, 2018 and 2019 has been the best for Node.js technology. As per the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019, Node.js has been the most used technology in the category of “Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools”.

Statics of Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019
Statics of Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019

As per the report by Hackerrank Node.js developers are not able to match the need of the project or the hiring company. This leads to an increase in demand for more skilled and experienced Nodejs developers.

We have written this blog with an objective to guide you through every information required to hire nodejs developers.

Let us begin with the most common search topic on the internet about Node.js developers.

What are the must-have skills for Node.js developers?

Here are the essential skills required in any Nodejs developer:

  1. Deep knowledge of Node.js, Express, and StrongLoop frameworks.
  2. Knowledge of integrating different data sources as well as databases into one system.
  3. Understanding of multiple delivery platforms and the process to optimize the output of each.
  4. Expert knowledge about asynchronous programming and its workarounds.
  5. Ability to handle errors smartly. It is an essential skill for any developer.
  6. Good understanding of semantic visioning.
  7. 12-factor application manifesto has the best description of the process of creating the best web application.
  8. Working knowledge of server-side CSS preprocessors for example stylus.
  9. Implementation of automated testing platforms along with unit tests to keep the application as bug-free as possible.

No doubt asking for these many skills in one human being might be difficult.

Moreover; skills come with experience. Here are few skills for Junior Node.js Developer and Senior Node.js developer.

What Skills Junior Node.js developer must have?

  1. Proper understanding of libuv, event loop, asynchronous programming and other basics of Node.js.
  2. Understanding of all the popular Node.js Frameworks like Express.js
  3. Basics of the database(relational and non-relational)
  4. Knowledge of JavaScript

What Skills Mid-level or Senior Node.js Developers must have?

  1. Project experience of high load work pressure
  2. Optimization of project performance
  3. Knowledge of architectural patterns
  4. Microservice Architecture

Roles and Responsibilities of a Node.js Developer

When you hire a Node.js developer make sure to understand what exactly to expect from them.

Roles of Node.js Developer

  1. Talking in most basic terms; a Node.js specialist manages the data interchange between the users and the server.
  2. Also; the cross-platform developers must also have the right knowledge of the creation of logic of that application and ensure that the requests from the user side are thoroughly processed.
  3. Furthermore; Node.js development services cover both frontend and backend; it is important for both the developers to coordinate as per there roles and tasks.
  4. An extra major role of node.js developers is to integrate all types of tools required in the process of application development.

Responsibilities of Node.js Developer

Following are the responsibilities of Node.js Developers; just for the information, the responsibilities and not limited to this list only:

Transparent code development

The code written by Node.js developer should be easy to understand, reusable and laconic for the other team members.

Front-end development

A full-stack developer is an asset for any team and any organization. If a Node.js developer is capable to manage the front-end and back-end of a project then it is the cherry on the top.

Follow the agile methodology

For a smooth development process, it is important to follow the agile development methodology.

Error-finding and resolving

Yes, bug detection is the task of a tester but it is a responsibility of a developer as well. To complete the development process on time without any delay it is necessary to keep resolving the issues in advance.

Interview Questions to ask when hiring Node.js Developers

Technical Interviews Questions

Technical questions are to help you assist in analyzing the knowledge of the developer.

What is the MEAN stack?

In simple terms; MEAN stack is an open-source stack of software that helps in building dynamic web applications as well as web sites. MEAN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js.

What is the V8 Engine?

The V8 Engine is a popular open-source JavaScript engine used in Google chrome, MongoDB, and Node.js Couchbase.

Differentiate between readFile and createreadstream in Node.js

readFile loads and reads the whole first into the memory while on the other hand createreadstream sends the data into chunks so it reads and loads data faster when compared.

Where libuv is useful in Node.js?

Libuv is a library useful in following:

  1. Network: main Node.js event loop support’
  2. Working with the files
  3. Cross-platform I/O operations

These are just a few questions; the knowledge of the developer is not limited to these questions. And we can not judge the practical knowledge of any developer based on any set of questions. These questions are just a support to help you analyze the basic knowledge of any Node.js developer.

Soft Skill Interview Questions

Soft skills of any developer are as important as technical skills. Here are a few questions that will help you to analyze the social and emotional intelligence of a developer along with the attitude.

  1. How you will explain your work profile to your 95-year old Grandma?
  2. What would you prefer: Written or Verbal communication?
  3. What is the importance of team events for you?
  4. How will you disagree with a situation/process where all your teammates have agreed.
  5. Your team members are quitting one by one being the team leader what will you do?
  6. On the scale of one to ten describe how you will like to rearrange your schedule if something unplanned comes up?

These questions will help you analyze if the developer will be able to work under pressure or not. What will be his take in teamwork and other basic things?

Developer Hiring Models

There are three ways to hire node js developers and we are going to discuss all three of them in detail.

Freelance Node.js developers

The Internet has an unlimited number of platforms for your help to hire remote node.js freelancers. That’s why this is considered as the fastest way to hire a developer.

It is important to keep in mind that freelancers are not answerable to anyone. In spite of having a lot of good reviews and feedbacks, there is no way you can put 100 percent of your trust.

Moreover; if you want to build a whole new software then only a Node.js developer would not be enough. You will need to hire UI/UX designers, QA engineers along with front-end developers.

Let’s have a look at the

Pros and Cons of hiring a Freelancer Node.js Developer:


  • Affordable.
  • Different options are available.


  • If the developer disappeared there won’t be any way to find him/her. This will result in a delay in development.
  • No non-disclosure agreement (NDA).
  • Difficult to manage the project.

In-House Developers

If you want to manage the project on your own and you want to keep an eye on the development process all the time this model is perfect for you.

Along with paying the salary, you need to pay the rent, taxes, electricity bill and buy equipment.

What are the pros and cons of In-house developers?


  • Easy collaboration.
  • On-time delivery.
  • Less communication gap.
  • Good for a long-term relationship.


  • Salary payment even if there is no work for them to do.
  • Waste of time to do an interview with each candidate.
  • The extra expense of software license, taxes, hardware, etc.

Outsourcing the project to other companies

This hiring model is the most popular one; because of the affordable price to hire the developer. The major reason to go for this is there will be no need to pay extra expenses other than the salary of the developer. There is no need to pay taxes, rent, hardware, and software licenses.

Whats are the Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Node.js Development Project?


  • Higher experience level as compared to freelancers.
  • Less cost.
  • Zero additional expense.
  • Flexible hours.
  • High-quality work.


  • Language barrier. There is no doubt that language is not a barrier any more; most of the employees are fluent in English.

How to hire Node.js Developer for your requirement?

Now here is a step-by-step detailed process to follow when hiring a developer from an outsourcing company.

STEP 1: Outline all your requirements

The first and foremost step before even starting the search of the developer is to figure out what exactly is the need for your project.

Only you know everything about your idea and your project. Hence; it is important to have a clear understanding of your objective and goal.

STEP 2: Select the type of hiring model

The next step is to know which type of model will be suitable for your requirements; Freelancer, In-house or Outsource. As discussed above match your requirements with every type and then make the decision.

STEP 3: Connect with the company/developer

Now its time to create a list of the companies or freelancers which you think are capable to complete your project. Always have two or three options; never rely only on the first option you got.

STEP 4: Sign the contract & NDA

Even if we repeat it hundreds of time it’s not enough. It doesn’t matter if you are working with a friend or any known person. Signing a contract is a must. The same goes for a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

STEP 5: Get all the rights of your project

Once your project is completed make sure to take all the rights related to your project.

Which mistakes to avoid when hiring a Node.js developer?

We all make mistakes!! but some mistakes cost us a huge amount of money. When it comes to the development of your dream project or completion of any client; hiring a wrong developer can not be a small mistake.

So here are a few common mistakes which people make and you can avoid:

Less research

No one can be an expert in everything. Research is the best way to learn anything and everything. Even if you are not that much aware of Node.JS you can have the basic knowledge of it from the internet.

Similarly; if you are not aware of anything related to your project or about the company which you are going to hire. Google has all the information about the company, you can see the feedbacks, reviews, and images of the company.

No Clarity/ Miscommunication

A small miscommunication can lead to the development of a whole different project. Make sure to portray your objective clearly and share as much reference as you have to keep things clear as you want.

Quick hiring

Take time to hire node.js developer. The recruitment process always needs time and effort. Even if you have the reference of the developer or the company has good online reviews it is better to take the interview.

Time difference

If you are working with a company of a very different time zone then it is advisable to make a few things clear. First and most important is to ask if the developer will work as per their time zone or as per your time zone. Secondly, ask what type of communication platform they will be using.

How much does it cost to hire Nodejs developers?

Now that we are all aware of the nitty-gritty of hiring a Node.js developer lets have a look at the cost or per hour charge.

First, we will have a look at the hourly charge of freelancers nodejs developers; as per the Codementor platform, lets see

What are the region-wise hourly rate of Junior, Mid-level or Senior developer?

  1. North America: 41–60 USD For junior developer and 80–120 USD for a senior developer
  2. Australia: 61–80 USD for a junior developer and 81–100 USD for a senior developer
  3. Western Europe: 61–80 USD for a junior developer and 81–100 USD for a senior developer
  4. Eastern Europe: 41–60 USD for the junior developer and 41–80 USD for a senior developer
  5. Asia: 41–60 USD for the junior developer and 61–80 USD for a senior developer
  6. India: 15–25 USD for junior developer AND 15–25 USD for a senior developer

Talking about hourly rates of outsourcing companies. The rates are a bit high as compared to freelancers. Moreover; as the prices keep changing it is advisable to check the price once on platforms like Clutch and Goodfirms.

Node.js Development Hourly Rates of Outsourcing Companies:

  1. North America: 120 to 180 USD per hour
  2. Australia: 100 to 180 USD per hour
  3. Western Europe: 51 to 100 USD per hour
  4. Asia: 30 to 42 USD per hour
  5. Eastern Europe: 25 to 50 USD per hour
  6. India: 18 to 40 USD per hour

Let us have a look at the annual pay scale of Node.js developers to help you make a decision to hire in-house developers:

What is the annual pay scale or earning of Node.js Developers?

  1. North America: 74, 081 USD per year
  2. Western Europe: 51,551 USD per year
  3. Eastern Europe: 24, 200 USD per year
  4. Australia: 90,000 USD per year
  5. Asia: 48, 948 USD per year
  6. India: 20,000 USD per year

The data here is extracted from

Wrapping Up!

We have tried our best to cover all the aspects when it comes to hiring Node.js developers. You can use this blog as your all-time guide and if you still have any queries, our experts are here to assist, contact us.

Related Article Resources

  1. Tips on How to Hire best ASP.NET Developers
  2. How to Hire Top Angular Developers | Complete Guide

Originally published at on January 30, 2020.



Sandip Malaviya
Samarpan Infotech

Sandip is tech enthusiastic with 10+ years expertise in .NET, IoT, AI, Insurance CRM solutions. To follow his passion he found Samarpan Infotech IT Consultancy.