Living in the B&W world

Sandip Shahi ☮
3 min readAug 17, 2016


Well all of the things i could remember just in one blink of an eye is that about this life that i am living right now as it is becoming the worst that i could have imagine, the situations and the peoples that i am meeting but not all the people i have met so far. Some people were so nice and genuine to me that i cant even imagine about or maybe they have that type of nature with everybody or maybe only i feel that way. Anyways. And prospectively remembering about this black and white world that i am living right now where every thing is messed up and every little thing is diverting my mind and every little problems fucks up my head. But deep down somewhere (*where i don't even know yet*) there is a little whisper that this is not the end of your life and reminds me not to give up so easily, not to give up due to small small things in the life. And meanwhile i could see the reminisces of my past, my childhood days where there were no worries, no problems just a small kid playing around with no fear of the life and having no worries about the future, but right now there are many things around like “What am i going to do in future?” and “What am i gonna be?” and “How am i gonna pay for the things i want?” and “How i am going to look after my family when i grew up?” or “What if i could not be the person i always dreamed about?” “And what if this life was not the life i wanted to live?” or “What if i ended become someone else which my parents don't want me to be?” or “What if i didn't carry out my duties properly?” This and that. These are the words that are always playing in my mind frequently every single time. And keep making me remind that i am living in this black and white life.

Back then i saw a little yellow flower growing up near my house. That moment the only thing that came up in my mind is that the only thing that is colorful right now is these flowers that are blooming so beautifully and perfectly that i cannot say that i am living in the b&w world.

“Everything in this world is colorful. Even the black and white which is said to be colorless is a type of color. As life itself is colorful. Anyways.” ~Sandip Shahi

And somewhere there was written that this black and white life can be changed if you go through words and try to read a lot. So reading the books and writes daily.

“Books bring alluring colors to our mundane black and white world.”
Caleb Reese

This is the life that i am living right now so having high hopes and setting my mind not to give up due to this black and white life and this black and white world where i have imagine the colorful life to paint with the help of my colorful mind. So only bringing up positive energy. And effing up the negative energy. Bringing thoughts daily and keeping me motivated always as i have to stand strong to this black and white life and tolerate it daily until i painted it with color.

