The Seven Deadly Sins: Pride — The Subtle and Destructive Sin

Sandi Sopian
4 min readOct 25, 2023


Credit image by @shawncoss

Pride, often considered the deadliest of the Seven Deadly Sins, has been a recurring theme in literature, philosophy, and religious doctrine throughout human history. It is a sin that can manifest in various ways, from arrogance and hubris to excessive self-importance and vanity. In this article, we will delve into the concept of pride, exploring its origins, its impact on individuals and societies, and how one can guard against its pernicious effects.

Origins of Pride

The concept of pride as a sin has deep roots in religious and philosophical traditions. The Seven Deadly Sins, including pride, were first articulated by early Christian theologians as a way to describe behaviors and attitudes that are contrary to a virtuous and holy life. Pride is often considered the root of all sins, as it blinds individuals to their own weaknesses and can lead to other sins, such as envy, wrath, and greed.

In psychology, pride is often associated with self-esteem and self-worth. While a healthy level of self-esteem is essential for self-confidence and mental well-being, excessive pride can lead to narcissism and a distorted self-image.

The Many Faces of Pride

Pride is a multifaceted sin, and it can manifest in various ways:

  1. Arrogance: Arrogant individuals believe they are superior to others and often look down on those they consider beneath them. This arrogance can lead to a lack of empathy and compassion for others.
  2. Hubris: Hubris is excessive pride or self-confidence that often leads to a person defying the gods, fate, or nature. In Greek mythology, figures like Oedipus and Icarus exemplify the destructive consequences of hubris.
  3. Vanity: Vanity is an obsession with one’s appearance, accomplishments, or possessions. It leads individuals to seek constant validation and admiration from others, often at the expense of meaningful relationships.
  4. Stubbornness: Stubborn pride can make it difficult for individuals to admit their mistakes or accept constructive criticism. This stubbornness can hinder personal growth and damage relationships.

The Impact of Pride

Pride, when unchecked, can have far-reaching and destructive consequences on individuals and society:

  1. Broken Relationships: Excessive pride can strain relationships, as prideful individuals are often unwilling to compromise, apologize, or admit fault. This can lead to conflict and estrangement from loved ones.
  2. Lack of Self-Reflection: Pride can prevent individuals from self-examination and acknowledging their own flaws. This hinders personal growth and development.
  3. Entitlement: Pride can foster a sense of entitlement, leading individuals to believe they deserve special treatment or success without putting in the necessary effort.
  4. Societal Impact: On a broader scale, pride can lead to social injustices, discrimination, and inequality, as individuals or groups with excessive pride may believe they are inherently superior to others.

Guarding Against Pride

Recognizing and combating pride is an ongoing process. Here are some ways to guard against the destructive effects of pride:

  1. Self-awareness: Regular self-reflection and introspection can help individuals identify when pride is taking hold of their thoughts and actions.
  2. Humility: Embracing humility involves acknowledging one’s limitations, learning from mistakes, and valuing the perspectives of others.
  3. Empathy: Developing empathy and understanding for others can counteract the self-centeredness often associated with pride.
  4. Gratitude: Cultivating a sense of gratitude for what one has rather than obsessing over what is lacking can reduce feelings of entitlement and vanity.
  5. Accountability: Accepting responsibility for one’s actions and mistakes is a crucial step in combatting pride and mending relationships.


Pride, the first and most insidious of the Seven Deadly Sins, is a complex and pervasive sin that can undermine personal growth and harm relationships. Recognizing the many forms of pride and understanding its destructive potential is the first step in guarding against its influence. By embracing humility, empathy, and self-awareness, individuals can strive to lead more virtuous and fulfilling lives while contributing to a more harmonious society.

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