Andy Sandoz
3 min readApr 12, 2016


D&AD FESTIVAL 2016. 20–22 April. Artwork by The Beautiful Meme.

When I see great creative… by someone else… after the barking stops, I’ll growl “I wish I’d done that”.

Initially it’s 1% begrudged respect and 99% jealousy and then hums along at about 49 / 51 for a good while before eventually netting out at 99 / 1.

Total respect. Almost.

That’s because, like you, I get a kick out of great work. Not just doing it. Pursuing it.

And when my green eyes see that same energy delivered brilliantly by someone else, it’s almost as good. Almost. It’s a lesson. Inspiring and challenging. Driving my own pursuit of excellence.

The internet is good at this, a daily drip feed of life affirming jealousy. But, whilst I like Spotify and all… I love losing it all at a live gig way more.

And that’s what the D&AD Festival promises to be. A live, loud orchestra of creative covetousness and inspiration. The world’s best heart darkening creativity, all in one place. I wish, I wish, I wish.

26'000 pieces of work and 150 amazing speakers to fill your soul with jealousy and kick your arse with positive intent and creative dark matter. 250 judges — the smartest creatives and designers in the universe, y’know assuming we’re actually alone, all sharing their own loves and losses in open insight sessions. And then, parties. Lots.


At the centre of all this, and all that is D&AD, sits a simple principle, and a methodology to better creativity: WIN ONE, TEACH ONE. A positive feedback loop stating that in every hard won Pencil is a lesson to inspire the rest of us.

At D&AD awards and education flow together. We’re Not-For-Profit. Only for Creativity. Everything we make, we put right back in… for creativity. Our New Blood program supports diversity and accelerates next-gen talent into the industry, our Training promotes career long learning, our White Pencil shines a light on Creativity For Good and a more meaningful future. And our Wood, Graphite, Yellow and Black Pencils, the hardest won, most coveted, best looking awards out there, benchmark and celebrate only the freshest creativity in this world, to inspire — through jealousy and much much more — the best possible creativity in the next. Important? Look around around you. The world really needs better creativity.

And now, for the first time ever, our Festival brings all this together in one place just for you…and the rest of us. *snaps forefinger loudly against middle finger and thumb*

D&AD Festival 2016. London. 20–22 April. £55-£185. Jealousy and inspiration included.

All artwork created for D&AD by The Beautiful Meme.

