150+ Tailwind Communities (former Tribes) For Pinterest To Explode Your Blog Traffic (Updated list)

Sandra Jacobs
5 min readJun 19, 2017


NOTE: Tailwind officially changed the name from Tailwind Tribes to Tailwind Communities in 2020.

If you’re a blogger and if you use Pinterest, you’ve most likely heard about Tailwind by now. First and foremost, that’s my go-to tool for scheduling pins. I use Pinterest daily for blog promotion, for keeping up with news and trends in my niche, and for maintaining relationships with other bloggers.

Tailwind Communities can be the most effective method of skyrocketing your blog traffic with Pinterest

Continuous pinning and repinning is one of the critical tasks in my daily to-do list. And Tailwind takes away a whole burden of it! Scheduling pins and repins is so easy, intuitive and efficient that I can’t imagine going back to doing it all manually again.

I can emphasize, that if you’re a serious blogger or internet marketer in the visual (especially women oriented) niches, and still working on Pinterest manually, you’re doing something wrong.

But Tailwind has much more besides just scheduling pins. You can see amazing statistics for your Pinterest account analysis, discover relevant content, create promotions and more.

What Are Tailwind Communities?

That’s an initiative by Tailwind, which is similar to Pinterest Group Boards. The Community is a group of people in the same niche or with similar interests. When you join, you’re able to submit your pins to this community. All other community members can see each other’s submitted pins. You’ll get access to the pool of pins added by the members.

From here you can schedule the pins or pin them to your boards immediately. The interesting part is that Tailwind tracks how many pins you’ve contributed to the community, and how many pins you’ve pinned from it. You’d better have your shared number higher than the number of pins you’ve contributed to that community.

Why Are Tailwind Communities So Important?

The overall idea is that you have a network of people with similar interests in the community, all exposed to the topic related content.

All you have to do is to pick interesting pins and pin them to your boards. And vice versa — add your pins to the community to be shared by community members to their audiences. This is an excellent way to increase your exposure geometrically!

Tailwind itself has a good articles about communities.

How To Find Tailwind Communities?

That’s a little bit tricky as Tailwind hasn’t implemented search functionality just yet (although there are plans of doing so). However, I’ve compiled a huge list of Tailwind Communities that I know for a variety of niches, so feel free to join.

A couple of things before joining:

  • Some communities are better than others. If you find a large community full of spam, move further. A smaller well-maintained community is better than a big one full of junk. At least you can grow together and get to know each other before a group becomes unmanageable.
  • Majority of communities have certain rules — make sure you follow them.
  • Most of the rules come down to two main principles: 1) Pin vertical, high-quality pins, and 2) Keep 1 to 1 share ratio, i.e. schedule someone else’s pin for each pin you add.

Ready to go:

Create a Tailwind account (create here with free one-month trial) if you don’t have one*.

Then just click on the links bellow to join the communities you’re interested in. Most of them have direct links to join. However, some may require you to fill a small validation form prior joining.

* I may get credited if you change from free to paid account later.

150+ Tailwind Communities For Bloggers

All Topics

Baby & Kids

Blogging & Business


DIY & Crafts

Fashion, Beauty, and Style





Military Spouse

Money & Finances

Recipes & Food



Well-being, positive mind, personal growth


