Is drinking tapwater safe? Discover hidden health dangers

Sandra Bloom
7 min readApr 11, 2019


Discover how drinking tap water is a hidden danger to your hair that can cause hair loss

We all ask ourselves from time to time if drinking tap water is actually safe and if perhaps there are hidden dangers to our hair? Did you know that the heavy metals from drinking tap water cause hair loss? No, this isn’t an urban legend — it’s genuine and there are even facts to back it up. Read on to find out how drinking tap water is a hidden danger to our hair that can even cause hair loss.

Your body needs water — it’s key to our health and survival: 50 to 75 % of the human body is made up of water, and you can only live x days without it.

Water gives life to every cell in the body, so can you imagine if your water is contaminated in some way how easily it can endanger your entire being.

“Drinking tap water” in the beginning of times

From the beginning of time, the earth had its own, natural way of purifying water. This was through evaporation and condensation, which led to rainfall. Gravity would pull water through the surface of the earth, which would enrich it as it passed through the minerals in the ground. The same water would then flow through the earth in rivers, springs and wells.

Drinking tap water in Modern Day societies

PURE organic water is difficult to find anywhere in the world which is primarily due to the proliferation of bottled water. Filtration produces clean water. However, it still lacks the minerals and vitality that’s produced when water naturally comes in contact with the earth, its carbons and minerals.

Drinking Heavy Metals In Tap Water: hidden dangers to hair and health

It may come as a surprise to you to find out that your tap water most likely contains heavy metals that are hidden dangers to our hair and health. These metals are toxic, even if you’re exposed to small amounts over time.

Heavy metals interfere with your body’s ability to have the chemical reactions needed to absorb nutrients and heal and repair itself. They can alter hormone production, causing you to have too much of one hormone and not enough of another. This basically equates to bad health.

Many local authorities also treat your tap water with fluoride. This can mean a gradual build-up of chemicals such as sodium fluoride, which is the active ingredient in rat poison! Chlorine and aluminium, along with heavy metals like nickel, lead and cadmium are far from beneficial to have in your bloodstream.

Hidden dangers to hair: filter your tap water or your body becomes the water filter

The bottom line is — filter your water, or your body will become the filter.

This is quite a startling statement when you think about it. Imagine, when you drink tap water your body acts as the filter which causes hidden dangers to hair.

Cadmium is said to be one of the worst heavy metals as far as interfering with your body’s chemical processes. Other serious contenders are arsenic, barium, chromium, lead, mercury and silver.

Drinking tap water: how did we get to this place?

Why are we battling with so many heavy metals that ultimately wreak havoc on our bodies? Unless you’ve been living in a mountainous region in and were eating berries, nuts and fresh meat your whole life, chances are you have an elevated amount of heavy metals inside your body.

The bottom line is — filter your water, or your body will become the filter. This is quite a startling statement when you think about it. Imagine, when you drink tap water your body acts as the filter. Your body is handling the actions filtering out impurities that have been left. (organic ones or inorganic ones, natural ingredients or ingredients that were added on purpose)

The hidden dangers of drinking tap water

Heavy metals accumulate in the human body. This is what makes them so dangerous. They can enter the body through vaccinations, medications, foods and as mentioned above, tap water. Even your beauty and haircare products contain them.

Unlike other things that we ingest, heavy metals are not flushed from our bodies. They build up over the time, becoming more dangerous to us. We weren’t designed for such high levels of toxins in our bodies and that are hidden dangers to hair and health.

To reduce the toxins in your system, regular detoxes are needed. A good detox can extract some of the heavy metals stuck deep within your cells and organs.

Chelation agents and therapy can successfully reduce the amount of cadmium and other toxins from your body.

Drinking tap water: is bottled water any better?

You might think that switching to bottled water is a safer option, but the truth is it doesn’t offer much better protection. Chemicals in the plastic bottles are known to bleed into the water. Small, plastic bottles are worse than larger ones, so avoid these as much as possible. You could also consider picking a glass bottle, which is what I do.

Bottled water (natural spring mineral water) is preferable to tap water as you won’t be forced to consume fluoride.

“Bottled water risks include more than just draining your bank account. You see, those single-use bottles found in supermarkets, gas stations and gyms across the country are what I like to call ‘toxic rip-offs’. Why? Because you’re paying way more for a product that contains harmful compounds. Case in point: A recent German-led study found that a single bottle of bottle water contained nearly 25,000 chemicals.

“Don’t fall victim to marketing ploys, either. “Glacier water” or “mountain water” are not regulated bottled water terms and don’t necessarily mean the water came from a pristine area.

“Americans use nearly three million plastic water bottles every hour, every day. And a great deal of those bottles eventually wind-up in the ocean. Think Global impact???

“Nearly every piece of plastic ever made still exists today. More than five trillion pieces of plastic are already in the oceans, and by 2050 there will be more plastic in the sea than fish, by weight, according to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. “

Hidden dangers to hair: the longer your water stays in the bottle, the more chemicals it accumulates, especially in hot climates.

There are some ways that you can minimise the risk of contaminating your water with chemicals and lessen the hidden dangers to your hair:

Invest in a high-quality filter that can remove all those nasty chemicals from your tap water

Swap disposable plastic water bottles for a reusable glass or stainless steel one

If you have to drink bottled water make sure you finish it within a few hours and do not let it sit in the bottle for longer than a day once it’s been opened.

Hidden dangers to hair: drinking tap water and plastic bottled water

The link between birth control pills, plastic in drinking water and hypothyroidism

Millions of women around the world are prescribed the contraceptive pill each year, yet only a few are aware that this is a common trigger of hair loss and other health disorders. Birth control is a billion-dollar industry, but very few of us are well-informed about the health consequences these tiny pills may have.

In fact, the American Hair Loss Association argues that taking the birth control pill can lead to devastating side effects of hair growth.

“The big lie in conventional medicine is that thyroid disease is easily detected. There’s a lot of talk about the TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) blood test, and how it is relatively useless at detecting thyroid illness. More physicians are evaluating your “free T3” instead.

This is definitely more indicative of thyroid status, however, even this blood test can fail some women.

“Getting tested is critical, especially if you’re a woman. The unfortunate part is that doctors assume symptoms are related to your monthly cycles, menopause, emotional or relationship conflicts at home or poor eating habits.

Health writer Suzy Cohen, also known as ‘America’s Pharmacist’, talks about the unlikely link between the pill, plastic bottles and hypothyroidism: “drinking from plastic water bottles, or taking the pill can cause hypothyroidism by raising levels of oestrogen hormone in your body. The same can be said about menopause drugs which contain the same synthetic oestrogen ingredients. These hormones — no matter how you get them — just so happen to raise your body’s level of oestrogen. When you have high oestrogen, you have too many transporters or taxis that can bind up your active thyroid hormone, (making it less available to get inside trillions of cells where it revitalises you).”

“The taxi cabs in your bloodstream that I’m talking about are scientifically called ‘thyroid binding globulin’ or TBG. This is the name of a specific transporter that drives your thyroid hormone around and then drops it off at your cells. The high oestrogen raises TBG and that lowers your thyroid hormone activity. The simple fix is to drink from glass bottles and use alternative methods to birth control pills.”

According to Suzy Cohen there are two tests that you can take to determine the levels of thyroid hormone in your body:

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) test

Suggested Level: Women < 70, Men < 30

This blood test evaluates SHBG. The biomarker rises in response to three factors — oestrogen, insulin or thyroid hormone. If SHBG is low, it can mean that you either have:

  1. Low oestrogen
  2. High levels of insulin (an indicator of diabetes)
  3. Low thyroid hormone

To combat this Cohen says: “you could benefit from straight T3 medicines (as opposed to straight T4 drugs, or NDT drugs). Taking thyroid will definitely help to bring down SHBG, but reducing insulin will be better for you. Using natural supplements such as quercetin, resveratrol and other nutrients.”

An alternative for drinking tap water; Ozone Water

Another great way of water filtration is through Ozone. I use various methods of Ozone for a lot of my health care. I frequently make ozonated water, although not nearly as much as I should be.

Drinking tap water and why I use a water filter

There are so many water filters on the market that it can be confusing to find the right one for you. I use the Santevia water filter system which filters out the toxic chemicals found in tap water. I’d recommend a filter as buying bottled water constantly can be expensive. The Santevia systems are BPA-free and use a multi-stage filtration process that adds minerals to produce clean water.

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Sandra Bloom

A natural nutrition expert dedicated to helping individuals to eliminate toxic chemicals & use keto & paleo whole foods as medicine for longevity & weight loss!