Wooden figure with rocks piled around
Overloaded & burned out

I Made Myself Sick

Sandra Lee
2 min readJun 2, 2024


Self-Care & Your Business ~ June’s Theme

I’ve been working hard. Under pressure with big projects, it’s been nonstop.

And last week, I got sick with the flu.

Have you ever burned yourself out and gotten sick? 🤣

For June, I intended to talk about Food and how it impacts health, and your ability to run your business. Then I switched it up.

If you’re not taking care of yourself, your body may take you out and prevent you from doing anything productive.

Please watch the blog video, which includes doing Make Anything Possible healing. 👆

(Oh, I almost forgot! 😉 This video has a makeshift background, my attempt to make the boring white wall more interesting. There’s only this one opportunity to see it. Because I re-filmed the videos for the rest of the month. Hear the story in the June 25 episode! 💥)

(There are additional components to my newsletter on the Beehiiv platform, including Jokes, Trivia, and Quizzes about Self-Care. Post #104 publishes on June 4, and it’s quite possible I will not make it back here to correct the link. Here’s a general link to my posts there.)


Change Happens One Action at a Time.

Sandra Lee

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Thanks for reading and watching.

💖 Breathe

Change happens one action at a time.

Sandra Lee is an intuitive sound and energy healer.

Healers and coaches finally start making money when they stop marketing from strategy and start marketing from purpose!

Freedom from Chaos: Clarify Your Path Discovery call here. (This includes giving you a customized Human Design chart, and personal information about it relevant to your life intentions.)

“You’re magic, Sandra. Absolutely bloody magic. I don’t have the same resistance to writing. It’s brilliant. Thank you. You’re a genius!”

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Sandra’s Facebook Page offers opportunities for interaction. She offers a monthly Tune In session, 10 minutes of Biofield Tuning and MAP Method healing (Make Anything Possible). Several monthly MAP Minis, shorter Make Anything Possible sessions. And a monthly News for the Soul radio show providing Make Anything Possible healing for Money & Abundance issues.

Breathe & Shine



Sandra Lee

Change happens one action in a time. Healers, get clear about what you want, make more money, & get in action manifesting your dreams. MiracleInspirations.com