Knowledge Avatars is individualizing learning at scale

Sandra Ponce de Leon
3 min readMar 9, 2018


Emiliano De Laurentiis, Founder and CEO of Knowledge Avatars joined us in this episode of Popping the Bubbl to share his vision for a new type of learning, one that is personalized to the individual, adaptive, scalable through AI and infinitely more effective because the student becomes an active participant in his or her learning process. Today’s antiquated system with its focus on lecture, homework, lecture, homework, test is stacked against students because it assumes everyone should learn at the same pace. The classroom delivers one experience for all, in spite of the fact that students are coming from diverse backgrounds with different experiences and even emotional situations that impact how they can grasp difficult topics.

Listen to podcast here

Emiliano De Laurentiis, Knowledge Avatars

Sal Khan of Khan academy first introduced us to the “flip model” that reverses the teaching paradigm where lectures are to be experienced at home and lesson plans designed to be collaborative exercises in the classroom. Knowledge Avatars takes this one step further, by using AI and a proprietary knowledge matrix to identify gaps students need to fill in order to attain full mastery of a particular topic. Developing this foundational knowledge by identifying and focusing on the knowledge gaps can mean all the difference in what is possible for a student’s future.

For teachers, and those developing online curriculums, it improves course retention rates which currently suffer from a 50% or higher attrition rate. Educators are able to create their avatars (in the future in their own likenesses) and input their lessons into the system. No programming is necessary, teachers just enter their lessons, select their digital avatar and upload any additional multimedia. The curriculum is then converted into an AI driven lesson plan that is adaptive to each individual student and enables teachers to monetize their knowledge through a shared revenue model.

Knowledge avatars leverages a system of learning called F.E.E.D. which stands for Feedback, Examples, Experiences and Definitions, which are the most important components to learning any concept. It also uses the Socratic engine to ask questions and helps students become better learners by developing critical thinking.

Powerful systems are often very simple.

~Emiliano De Laurentiis

It has been shown, that it is important to develop a relationship with your tutor and knowledge avatars will be working to use voice recognition and AI to enable their avatars to express facial gestures and emotions, so that students will feel they are truly interacting with a topic guru.

Knowledge Avatars aims to be the Wikipedia (or Everipedia) of digital tutors and the applications for this technology are extensive. Companies that want to develop training programs, learning institutions and vocational schools can all benefit from moving to this individualized method of teaching. For now, Knowledge Avatars is focused on concepts taught in high school and college such as algebra, physics and chemistry, but plans to extend into many other areas and even has a mixology guru available to help you master the art of cocktails for your next dinner party.

For the new world we face, one truth is universal, that we need to always be learning and Knowledge Avatars is our guide to achieving that continuous education. Listen to our podcast, here.

