Sandra Sonny
6 min readJun 19, 2018

Esports has grown beyond the small grass roots venues where small groups of gamers were competing. More and more companies are seeing the potential to make money in esports. There is a lot of potential for spending growth on esports lifestyle and culture, and as esports grows, the sector is increasingly attracting non-endemic brands who wish to connect with audiences in a way they are unable to do with traditional media.

Five years ago, esports was a fledgling enterprise, with small audiences and even smaller purses. Today, games like League of Legends sell out arenas and pay out millions. Welcome to the future of spectator sports. Most traditional promoters relied mostly on expensive agencies which acts as middle man or mediator per say between brands and e-sport gamers and yet they don’t give the awareness of what e-sports fans truly want.

Some people reject the idea that competitively playing games like Counter-Strike, Dota 2 and League of Legends can be considered a sport. But the gaming industry, corporate world, sports media and spectators long ago decided otherwise. There are thousands of professional players globally who compete in tournaments that pack arenas with tens of thousands of people with tens of millions more watching online or on television. Prize money can be in the millions of US dollars. The global e-sports industry generated US$493 million in revenue in 2016 with an audience of 320 million and is expected to bring in US$696 million this year.


According to research done by newzoo , in the coming year, the global Esports Economy will grow to $906 million, a year growth of +38%. The majority of this, 77%, will be generated directly (sponsorships and advertising) and indirectly (media rights and content licenses) through investments made by endemic and non-endemic brands that will spend $694 million, an impressive 48% increase since last year.


EIP ecosystem will be the first global decentralized platform directly linking sponsors, Partners, gamers and Esports enthusiasts. Brands and Companies optimize their expenses for sponsorship by directly reaching the audience they need, and audience eventually gets access to the budgets of leading brands.

EIP will be targeting both streamers/viewers and brands/promoters. In essence, the platform will be divided into two separate areas — one that will be of interest to brands, and one that will be of interest to e-sport fans. Both segments of the EIP Platform will make use of the EMI token for various functionality.

EIP will also allow users to subscribe to various services and purchase goods within the confines of their platform. They can also donate money to streamers in the form of EMI tokens. The possibilities for EIP on the user-end are nearly limitless, with plans by the company to potentially allow betting agencies to also participate on the platform. If this takes off, I can see big things happening with EIP, since trusted betting platforms for e-sports are hard to come by.

To become a member of the ecosystem, user creates an account on the EIP platform. During registration, the system will create a user profile and its wallet. Each participant of the ecosystem will be provided with a wallet functioning as a protection of user data (storage in a decentralized database), as well as interaction with other participants on the basis of smart contracts. The team plans to place the EMI tokens on trading platforms and exchanges, providing an opportunity to transparently sell and buy the tokens to residents of those countries where legislation does not prohibit such operation.


Ecosystem will be constructed in accordance with the approaches of scalability and decentralization, which will ensure its long term stability and self-sufficiency. The Ecosystem will involve the fulfillment by the participants of a number of roles; the relationship of these roles is shown in the diagram below:


· Brands and Companies

· Participants in the global Esports market

· Audience, Esports enthusiasts


EIP will be under heavy development after the ICO, with launch planned Q1 2019.


The utility of EMI tokens is vast, since they will be required by gamers to purchase services, subscriptions and products, and by brands in order to conduct advertising and run giveaways or loyalty programs. In essence, every transaction of value on the EIP platform will make use of EMI tokens. The EMI token is planned to be the only means of exchange for handling all types of rewards and one of the means of payment within the EIP ecosystem. The EMI token will be accepted as a payment method in partner services. Below is the analysis of EMI token sale and distribution.


Token hardcap: US $ 60,000,000


Minimum Transaction amount in ETH: 100 USD

Minimum Transaction amount in BTC: 100 USD

Minimum Transaction amount in LTC/XRP/Dash: 100 USD

Minimum Transaction amount in Wire: 100 USD

Minimum Transaction amount in CC: 100 USD


50,000 USD and above transactions Additional bonus 15%

10,000 TO 50,000 USD: Additional bonus 10%

3 000 TO 10,000 USD: Additional bonus 7%

1 000 TO 3 000 USD: Additional bonus 5%

500 TO 1000 USD: Additional bonus 2%

Token sale

pre-ico 10%

Token sale: ico

Bounty: 1,0%

EMI coin reward reserve fund: 8,0%

Founders: 6,0%

Product development: 45%

Marketing: 20%

Operation and business development: 15%

Legal: 5%

Market-makers fund: 5%

Founders and Advisors compensation: 10%


There is no doubt that e-sports are set to become a legitimate mainstream sport. E-sports are currently the fastest growing type of sport in the world. And yet, numerous issues exist in directly connecting brands and players, most notable of which are numerous middlemen. If the EIP platform reaches its roadmap and goals, and becomes widely accepted by both gamers and brands, these middlemen will be effectively eliminated, meaning more funds will be spent within the e-gaming industry, and less on third-party agencies.

One of the strongest points of EIP is that most members of the team have been professional or endorsed gamers themselves in the past, playing at highly competitive levels. In fact, it was their experience as professional gamers that made them see the numerous issues facing e-sports. No one would be better equipped to see the various issues facing e-sports than them. However, how they will implement this experience into a blockchain business remains to be seen.

In all I think this project has a good vision and I strongly recommend it for investors to give it all the support it needs. Once again kudos to the team.

More information:

To know more about EIP visit:

Publisher: sandisunny

