SwiftUI at Airbnb: A Case Study

Sandun De Silva
9 min readSep 27, 2023


In recent years, SwiftUI has been making waves in the world of iOS app development. It represents a significant shift in how developers approach building user interfaces for Apple’s platforms. One company that has embraced this technology and reaped the benefits is Airbnb.

In this article, we will explore a detailed case study of the transformative impact of SwiftUI on Airbnb’s app development process. We will examine the challenges faced by the Airbnb development team prior to the adoption of SwiftUI, the benefits realized after its implementation, and the future potential of this innovative technology.

Key Takeaways:

  • SwiftUI represents a paradigm shift in iOS app development.
  • Airbnb successfully integrated SwiftUI into their existing codebase.
  • The adoption of SwiftUI resulted in improved developer productivity and enhanced app performance.
  • SwiftUI was used to redesign key features of Airbnb’s app, resulting in a more engaging user experience.
  • The future potential of SwiftUI for app development is vast and exciting.

The Evolution of App Development at Airbnb

Before the adoption of SwiftUI, Airbnb’s app development process relied heavily on traditional methods. Teams worked on separate platforms and used different programming languages, leading to fragmentation and delayed development. The reliance on manual coding made it difficult to debug and maintain the app, leading to bottlenecks that slowed down the app development process.

The team struggled to maintain consistency across different platforms and devices, leading to a disjointed user experience. As a result, the company began to explore new ways to streamline their development process and create a more seamless user experience.

By embracing SwiftUI, Airbnb was able to revolutionize their app development process and create a more cohesive experience for users. SwiftUI’s declarative syntax enabled developers to write code that was easy to read and understand, simplifying the debugging and maintenance process. The integration with Apple’s latest technologies further improved app performance and functionality.

The Benefits of an Integrated Approach to App Development

By adopting a more integrated approach, Airbnb was able to streamline their development process and reduce costs. The team no longer had to spend excessive amounts of time on manual coding, allowing them to focus on more valuable tasks such as improving user experience and adding new features.

The company was able to create a more cohesive and user-friendly experience for their customers, leading to a significant increase in app usage and customer satisfaction. Improved app performance and functionality also led to an increase in downloads and a reduction in user churn rates.

Introducing SwiftUI: A Paradigm Shift

Let’s dive into the exciting world of SwiftUI! SwiftUI is a declarative framework for building user interfaces (UI) in iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps. It was introduced by Apple at WWDC 2019 and has since become a game-changer in iOS app development.

So, what makes SwiftUI so unique? For starters, SwiftUI represents a paradigm shift in iOS app development. Developers can now build UIs using a declarative syntax that is intuitive and easy to learn. This approach is in stark contrast to the traditional way of building UIs using imperative syntax and requires a lot of coding.

What’s more, SwiftUI seamlessly integrates with other Apple technologies such as Xcode, Swift, and Combine. This integration ensures that SwiftUI is future-proof and can be relied upon to develop robust and scalable apps.

With SwiftUI, developers can also preview their UIs live as they build them. This feature saves time and eliminates the need for building and running the app multiple times. Additionally, SwiftUI has a vast collection of pre-built UI components that can be used to create beautiful and responsive UIs in no time.

Overall, SwiftUI is a significant step forward in iOS app development. Its declarative syntax, integration with other Apple technologies, live preview feature, and pre-built UI components make it an incredibly powerful tool for developers. The impact of SwiftUI on app development is set to grow, and it will continue to be a key player in the future of iOS app development.

Implementing SwiftUI at Airbnb

Integrating SwiftUI into Airbnb’s existing codebase was not without its challenges. The development team had to carefully plan and strategize the transition to ensure a seamless transition without any major disruptions to the app’s functionality.

One of the biggest challenges faced by the team was the learning curve associated with SwiftUI. As a new and innovative technology at the time, there were limited resources and documentation available for developers to learn and master the framework. However, the team was able to overcome this hurdle by leveraging the resources that were available, such as online tutorials, documentation, and the Swift community.

Another challenge was the need to integrate SwiftUI with Airbnb’s existing codebase, which was built using traditional UIKit technologies. This required the team to write adapters and wrappers to bridge the gap between the two technologies, ensuring that the transition was as smooth as possible. Despite the challenges, the team was able to successfully integrate SwiftUI into the app’s development process.

The adoption of SwiftUI at Airbnb has resulted in significant benefits, including improved developer productivity, enhanced app performance, and the ability to create a more engaging user experience. By eliminating the need for manual layout management and providing a more intuitive and streamlined development process, developers are now able to work more efficiently and focus on building innovative features that enhance the app’s functionality.

In the next section, we will explore the benefits of SwiftUI in more detail and how it has impacted the app development process at Airbnb.

Benefits of SwiftUI at Airbnb

Adopting SwiftUI brought significant benefits to Airbnb’s app development process. Let’s dive into some of the advantages:

  • Improved Developer Productivity: SwiftUI’s declarative syntax and live preview feature streamline the development process, reducing the time and effort required to create and test user interfaces.
  • Enhanced App Performance: SwiftUI’s lightweight architecture not only makes the app faster and more responsive but also reduces the app size, leading to faster downloads and installation.
  • Engaging User Experience: SwiftUI’s advanced visuals and animations provide a highly intuitive and immersive user experience that is key to keeping customers engaged with the app.

These benefits enabled Airbnb developers to focus on creating new features and functionality instead of struggling with the limitations of traditional app development methods. SwiftUI’s ease of use also allowed designers and developers to collaborate more effectively throughout the development process, resulting in a more polished end product.

Case Study: Redesigning Airbnb’s App with SwiftUI

Airbnb’s decision to adopt SwiftUI for their app development process has yielded significant improvements in both performance and design. The redesign of the Airbnb app using SwiftUI allowed the company to provide a better user experience while also streamlining their development process.

One of the primary goals of the redesign was to make the app more user-friendly and intuitive. The use of SwiftUI allowed for the creation of a cleaner and more modern interface, with improved navigation and clear calls to action.

Another key feature that was improved using SwiftUI was the app’s search functionality. With the introduction of new animations and transitions, users are now able to search for properties with more ease and speed, resulting in a more engaging experience.

The redesign also allowed Airbnb to provide a more customizable experience for their users. With SwiftUI, it is now easier to personalize the app’s appearance, with the ability to adjust the color scheme, font sizes, and more to suit individual preferences.

Overall, the redesign of Airbnb’s app using SwiftUI has resulted in a more user-centric and engaging experience. The use of SwiftUI has enabled Airbnb to create a more streamlined app development process, while also providing a more efficient and effective platform for developers to work with.

User Feedback and Reception

The redesigned Airbnb app using SwiftUI has received mixed feedback from users. On the positive side, many users appreciated the improved speed and performance of the app. They found it more responsive and smoother to navigate. The app’s new layout and design, made possible by SwiftUI, also received praise, with users finding it more intuitive and visually appealing.

However, some users expressed concerns about certain features that were removed or changed in the redesign. For example, some users found it harder to access certain settings or features that were previously more easily accessible. Others had issues with bugs or glitches that arose after the redesign.

Airbnb has been closely monitoring user feedback and has been working to address any concerns raised by users. They have even released a new update to the app, fixing some of the issues that were reported by users. Airbnb is committed to continuously improving the app’s user experience, and they value feedback from their users.

What users are saying:

“The new design is so much better! It’s more visually appealing and easier to navigate. The app also feels much faster and responsive now.”

“I’m not a fan of some of the changes made. It’s harder to find certain settings now. I also encountered a few bugs after the redesign.”

Future Implications and Potential of SwiftUI

Looking ahead, the adoption of SwiftUI has significant potential for Airbnb and the broader iOS app development community. With its streamlined development process and increased productivity, SwiftUI can enable faster app iterations and a more engaging user experience.

In addition, SwiftUI’s seamless integration with other Apple technologies such as ARKit and Core ML can open doors to new possibilities for app development in the future. Airbnb can leverage these technologies to create unique and innovative features for their app, further enhancing the user experience.

The potential impact of SwiftUI reaches beyond Airbnb. The adoption of this technology can accelerate app development across various industries and lead to the creation of more efficient and engaging apps with less effort.

Looking forward, we can expect to see more companies like Airbnb adopting SwiftUI as a game-changing technology in the app development process. As SwiftUI continues to evolve, it has the potential to become the go-to technology for iOS app development.

Overall, the future implications of SwiftUI are exciting and promising. Airbnb’s successful adoption of this technology is just the beginning, and we can expect to see more innovative and engaging apps in the future.


In conclusion, SwiftUI has enabled Airbnb to revolutionize its app development process, resulting in improved developer productivity, enhanced app performance, and a more engaging user experience. By adopting SwiftUI, Airbnb was able to work with a modern framework that reduces the need for cumbersome manual coding and streamlines the app development process. SwiftUI represents a paradigm shift in iOS app development, allowing developers to focus more on the creative and innovative aspects of app design rather than the technicalities of programming. This technology has the potential to change the way iOS apps are developed across the board, and Airbnb has proven that it is a viable solution for large and complex organizations. The case study of Airbnb’s app redesign with SwiftUI showcases the power of this technology in creating a seamless and enjoyable user experience. User feedback has been largely positive, with many users praising the new design and features. Looking ahead, SwiftUI has the potential to continue driving innovation and efficiency in app development at Airbnb and beyond. As the technology continues to evolve and improve, the iOS app development community can expect more organizations to adopt SwiftUI and reap the benefits of this game-changing framework. Overall, SwiftUI has been a game-changer for Airbnb’s app development process, and the potential for continued innovation and efficiency is exciting. As Airbnb continues to utilize this technology, we can expect more updates and improvements to the Airbnb app that enhance the user experience even further.

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Q: What is SwiftUI?

A: SwiftUI is a user interface toolkit that allows developers to build rich and dynamic user interfaces for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps using declarative syntax.

Q: Why did Airbnb choose to adopt SwiftUI?

A: Airbnb chose to adopt SwiftUI because of its efficiency and productivity benefits. It allowed for faster development cycles and simplified code maintenance, leading to a more streamlined app development process.

Q: How did Airbnb implement SwiftUI into their existing codebase?

A: To implement SwiftUI, Airbnb integrated it gradually into their existing codebase, leveraging a modular approach. They started by building small features using SwiftUI and gradually expanded its usage as they gained more confidence in the technology.

Q: What are the benefits of using SwiftUI at Airbnb?

A: Using SwiftUI at Airbnb resulted in improved developer productivity, enhanced app performance, and a more engaging user experience. It allowed for faster prototyping and iteration, leading to quicker releases and a better overall app experience for users.

Q: How did SwiftUI impact the redesign of Airbnb’s app?

A: SwiftUI played a significant role in the redesign of Airbnb’s app. It enabled the introduction of new features and enhanced existing ones, resulting in a more intuitive and visually appealing user interface.

Q: What was the user feedback and reception of the SwiftUI-powered Airbnb app?

A: The user feedback and reception of the SwiftUI-powered Airbnb app were generally positive. Users appreciated the improved performance, smoother animations, and more seamless navigation. However, some users also raised concerns about compatibility with older devices.

Q: What is the future potential of SwiftUI for Airbnb and app development?

A: The future potential of SwiftUI for Airbnb and app development is promising. It allows for faster development iterations, easier maintenance, and access to the latest Apple technologies. SwiftUI is expected to continue driving innovation and efficiency in app development.



Sandun De Silva

Digital Nomad | Passionate about Constant Learning 👉 "Don't be afraid to fail. Failure is the only way to learn and grow"