10 Best Python Libraries for GUI in 2024

sandun lakshan
7 min readDec 18, 2023


Looking for Python GUI frameworks? Discover the top 10 choices for creating user-friendly and visually appealing graphical interfaces in Python.

A graphical interface, commonly known as GUI, serves as an interactive environment that users encounter upon opening an application or website. Functioning as a system of interactive visual components for computer software, a GUI presents objects conveying information and representing user actions. These objects can dynamically change attributes such as color, size, or visibility in response to user interactions. Icons, cursors, buttons, and additional graphical elements, often enhanced with sounds or visual effects like transparency, contribute to the overall GUI.

The quality of a GUI significantly impacts a platform’s reputation and user base. The combination of these interactive elements plays a pivotal role in shaping the user experience of an application or website.

For developing GUIs, many developers opt for Python due to its interactive nature and a plethora of available frameworks. Python, as a programming language, offers a straightforward entry point for GUI framework development. The options within Python span a wide range of choices, encompassing both Cross-Platform frameworks and Platform-Specific frameworks.

Now, let’s dive into the top 10 Python libraries for GUI development in 2024.

1. PyQt5

Created by Riverbank Computing, PyQt5 stands out as a highly favored Python framework for graphical user interfaces (GUIs). This framework is based on the Qt framework, a versatile and cross-platform tool widely employed for crafting applications across various platforms.

PyQt5 boasts full cross-platform compatibility, allowing developers to construct applications seamlessly on Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android. The inclusion of the QtGUI and QtDesigner modules facilitates the incorporation of visual elements through a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. Alternatively, developers can choose to manually code these elements, providing the flexibility to develop applications of varying scales, from small to large.

You can install PyQt5 using pip this command.

pip install PyQt5

2. Tkinter

Tkinter stands out as a prominent Python library for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs). This open-source library is renowned for its simplicity and is conveniently pre-installed in Python, requiring no additional effort on your part. Its user-friendly nature makes it an excellent choice for beginners and intermediate programmers. However, it is worth noting that Tkinter may not be suitable for handling larger-scale projects.

In Tkinter, visual components are referred to as widgets, each offering varying levels of customization. This library provides a diverse set of commonly used elements that developers are likely already familiar with, including Frames, Buttons, Checkbuttons, Labels, File Dialogs, and Canvas.

Tkinter is included with most Python installations, so there’s typically no need for a separate installation.

3. wxPython

Another notable Python library for GUI development is wxPython, offering Python developers the capability to build native user interfaces seamlessly without adding any extra overhead to the application. Similar to other libraries and frameworks, wxPython is compatible with various platforms, including Mac OS, Windows, Linux, and Unix-based systems.

A key feature of wxPython is its extensive collection of widgets, serving as a significant advantage. Additionally, it boasts an appealing appearance across all platforms without necessitating extensive custom modifications. However, it’s important to note that wxPython comes with a steeper learning curve compared to certain other frameworks like Tkinter.

You can install wxPython using pip this command.

pip install wxpython

4. PySimpleGUI

Introduced in 2018, PySimpleGUI was specifically designed to simplify the initiation of GUI development for Python beginners. Many alternative frameworks involve more complex procedures, but PySimpleGUI allows users to dive in immediately without grappling with the intricate details associated with other libraries.

PySimpleGUI leverages four underlying GUI frameworks — Qt, Tkinter, wxPython, and Remi. By abstracting much of the underlying code, it significantly reduces the complexity for users. This approach allows beginners to choose a preferred GUI framework and effortlessly access the associated visual elements, empowering them to create intuitive user interfaces with ease.

You can install PySimpleGUI using pip this command.

pip install PySimpleGUI

5. Libavg

Libavg stands out as a GUI framework utilizing Python as its scripting language. Recognized as one of the top libraries for crafting user interfaces tailored to modern touch-based devices, it achieves hardware acceleration through OpenGL and GPU shaders. This Python library boasts a diverse array of features, encompassing camera support, animation capabilities, text alignment, GPU effects, and beyond. Its advanced screen layout engine incorporates rotation, scaling, blending modes, cropping, and various other techniques for manipulating visual elements. Written in C++, Libavg attains swift execution times, enhancing its overall performance.

Libavg requires additional dependencies and build steps. Please refer to the official documentation for installation instructions.

6. PyForms

The PyForms GUI framework is Python’s interpretation of Windows Forms, offering developers the ability to design highly interactive interfaces across Windows GUI mode, Web mode, and Terminal mode. This open-source, cross-platform library simplifies the process of developing applications for various platforms, requiring minimal alterations to the code. Moreover, PyForms incorporates instances of popular graphic-centric libraries such as PyQT and OpenGL.

PyForms is structured into three distinct sections: PyForms-GUI, PyForms-Web, and PyForms-Terminal. Each layer facilitates the execution of PyForms applications in Windows, Web, or Terminal environments.

You can install pyforms using pip this command.

pip install pyforms

7. Kivy

Designed for creating innovative user interfaces, Kivy is an accelerated framework powered by OpenGL ES 2. It offers versatile platform support, catering to Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS. With over 20 widgets in its toolkit, this open-source library is a comprehensive resource. Developed using a combination of Python and Cython, Kivy excels in crafting intuitive user interfaces, particularly for multi-touch applications. It facilitates the implementation of a Natural User Interface (NUI), where users effortlessly grasp various interactions that are typically concealed.

Kivy empowers interface designers to code and deploy across multiple platforms, and its built-in support for OpenGL ES 2 ensures the incorporation of modern graphics and techniques.

You can install kivy using pip this command.

pip install kivy

8. PySide2

PySide2, also known as QT for Python, stands out as a prominent Python GUI library, providing the official Python bindings for Qt. These bindings allow the incorporation of Qt’s APIs into Python applications, and the binding generator tool facilitates the exposure of C++ projects to Python.

Qt is widely acknowledged as the gold standard for GUI design, serving as a benchmark against which other Python GUI frameworks are evaluated. With PySide2, Python developers gain access to a comprehensive set of powerful tools and libraries, empowering them to swiftly and flexibly create user interfaces.

You can install PySide2 using pip this command.

pip install PySide2

9. Wax

Nearing the conclusion of our compilation is Wax, serving as a wrapper for wxPython. In addition to offering functionality comparable to wxPython, Wax sets itself apart with its exceptionally user-friendly interface. Functioning as an extension module for Python, Wax facilitates the development of cross-platform applications.

Crafted with the specific goal of simplifying access to Python elements and objects for GUI development, Wax relies on the efficient wxWindows platform as its base. This design choice ensures that Wax achieves commendable levels of efficiency and speed.

You can install wax using pip this command.

pip install wax

10. PyGUI

we have PyGUI, a straightforward API empowering developers to construct user interfaces with native elements for Python applications. This lightweight framework minimizes the code necessary between the application and the target platform, enhancing overall efficiency.

PyGUI facilitates the development of applications on various systems, including Windows machines, MacOS devices, and Unix-based systems. Notably, the library’s documentation is in Python, eliminating the need to reference other GUI libraries.

You can install PyGUI using pip this command.

pip install pygui

Here are some program Ideas for practice your skills:

  • Build a basic chat interface allowing users to send and receive messages using PySimpleGUI.
  • Create a graphical dice roller allowing users to roll and display results in an appealing format using PyGUI.
  • Build a task manager with features like task prioritization and completion status using Wax.
  • Create a basic calculator with standard arithmetic operations and a history log using PyQt5.
  • Develop a simple image viewer with zoom and navigation controls using Kivy.
  • Construct a weather application displaying real-time data, forecasts, and temperature trends using wxPython.
  • Construct a simple text editor with text formatting, file saving/loading, and a word count function using Tkinter.
  • Create an interactive drawing application with features like brush sizes, colors, and canvas manipulation using Libavg.
  • Develop a personal finance tracker enabling users to input expenses, view trends, and set budget goals using PyForms.
  • Build a basic media player with play, pause, stop, and volume control features using PySide2.


Python provides a rich array of libraries for crafting Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), each possessing distinct advantages and limitations. This compilation of the top 10 Python GUI libraries showcases some of the most popular and valuable choices.

For beginners, Tkinter stands out as an excellent starting point, known for its simplicity and user-friendly features. Meanwhile, PyQt5 and PySide2 offer advanced capabilities and extensive customization options. Kivy facilitates cross-platform application development, and wxPython ensures a native look and feel on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Python’s diverse range of GUI libraries equips developers with the essential tools to design visually appealing and interactive applications. Choosing the right library streamlines development, enabling the creation of high-quality software that aligns with user expectations.

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