Understanding Lambda functions in Python the easy way

Sandy M.
2 min readJul 7, 2020


PC: Max Duzij, Unsplash

What are Lambda functions? How can I understand them? when can I use them? By the end of this article, this article should give a friendly introduction to Lambda functions.

A lambda function sometimes called lambda form in the most simple form can be mean an anonymous function that is without a name and can accept any number of arguments but can only accept one expression. Traditionally in python, we know while defining a function you use :

Normal function

but while defining Lambda functions we use this instead:

Lambda function

Now to understand the code above lambda is the keyword, X is the bound variable and X is the body. In the Normal function, we needed to give it a name and pass a value and also have to call the return with the keyword return but the Lambda function does not include the return function. I’ll share an anonymous lambda function.

We can use Lambda function with built-in functions like filter(), map(), reduce().

Using Lambda() filter()

The filter function takes in the function as a list and argument, this way the elements are filters sequentially which then returns the function True. Eg:

Using Lambda() map()

The map function simply takes in a function as a first argument and applies it to each of the elements of its second argument, you just have to call it with a lambda function and a list and a new list is returned which will carry all the lambda modified items returned by that function for each item. Eg:

Using Lambda() reduce()

This function when called with a lambda function and a list and a new reduced result is returned. This performs a continuous repetition of operation over the list. This is a part of the functions module. Eg:

This article should give you an introduction to what lambda functions imply, the benefits, and how you can begin with it. Might be doing a part 2 if I get enough views which I believe will be more technical and I’ll add the link here when it’s ready. Cheers

