Sandy Collins
7 min readMar 29, 2018

Peak Into The Past, And Problems Of Old Age In 2018

Getting old sucks. It is a true statement for many in today’s world. Why? What contributes to the physical and mental decline of older people?

The difference of times past in our food. We use to live in smaller communities where the produce came in summer to the grocery stores as it came off the orchards and farms. We would go and buy by the box fruit and vegetables. Then we helped our mothers with the family food preserving. Freezing and canning, jams and pickles. Everyone on my street had a cool corner of the basement that was roomed off the shelves and a few bins of sand for root vegetables. We also bought a beef and the butcher cut it for us and we took it home and wrapped it and froze it. Live chickens bought in large numbers and processed them up for the freezer and canning. Fishing over the summer gave us fish for the freezer as well. One huge note is that we also processed smaller jars and meat parcels for older great aunts and uncles. This was something my other aunts and grandmother did to ensure the eldest of the family had a stocked larder over the winter. Family came first.

Now one can go to a grocery store and and buy anything in local season or not, as it is grown around the world and brought to us. Produce is no longer just a summer product in a land with four seasons. Fresh from world gardens anytime. But do we know how it was grown? Was it raised in hydroponic cement ponds, in earth that is sour and relies on fertilisers and weed killers. Is it organic hybrids ,GMO or organic heirloom seed. So what you eat really can determine the health effect within our bodies. I suppose we had a better start, food wise than our own children and grand children today.

There is much canned and boxed processed foods offered. When you start looking at the sugar content alone in the majority of products it is mind boggling. The amount of sodium is also high. Unfortunately for many, it is the cheaper foods that older people buy, which often times are the worst for sugar and salt.

Then there is the big question “Can you afford to buy the food”?

Economics of the older generation. Many don’t understand when they have taken care of themselves and their families all up to now, and it is hard to realise you can’t do all you once did. Sometimes it happens thru an illness, or accident too fast for you to really understand how it will impact the rest of your life from there on. Once you are on a pension it is your health level that dictates if you can contribute with small jobs, adding to the monthly amount you live on.

I know of so many that have to choose carefully what they buy after the basic bills of shelter, electricity, water, and a portion for taxes monthly, transport either their own or to and from stores. Money and sometimes the lack of, causes great stress. Constant worry and trying to figure out a way to do everything that needs to be done. Asking for help is hard as one keeps thinking this is just a rough patch and you will get over it as you always have before. Your tough! You have always landed on your feet. So you keep your worries to yourself, tighten your belt, make an ultra simple meal of the day of soup and stew or salad. Things will get better, it won’t last forever. Everyone tries their best to take care of themselves and spouse or even a pet.

An older persons nightmare. A medical visit to hospital, or a doctor. Pharmaceutical companies have taken over the business of medical training and care for most part. He has a few minutes in his schedule to listen and figure out a quick fix and on to the next patient. For many today a personal doctor has become a luxury. Many go to a “health centre” and you see what ever doctor is in at the time. They don’t know you other than those few minutes your in front of them.

Now the doctor asks “what is your symptom that is causing you the worry you came with today”? Then they smile and tell you “I have just the pill for you”. After a few visits you have a number of pills for all the symptoms the pills have given you, so how much of that medication is helping your original complaint? Is it no wonder that feeling ill is the beginning of the end for many older people.

This economic pressure to follow a doctors way is generally the one avenue the older people take. Can you afford the medication or treatment? What do you cut out to pay for it? Did you agree with the Doctor’s thinking? Even if you wanted a different avenue to health care you probably could not afford it on a strict income. This to can be a reason for early decline in the average older person.

Many families love their older generation. We are grandparents and great grand parents, but how often do we have family drop in? Some of the older generation have cell phones, computers and have immersed themselves in the many genres of communication available. If you can afford it. Always the economic question arises. If you can, you will not feel nearly as cut off from family, friends or the world around you. If you can’t, your world is smaller and getting lonely.

Families have such time constraints now from the school age children to the working parents, the older generation knows well how busy they are, and know it would be hard to fit in the help they would like or need. They could use it weekly but that then becomes an imposition that many would not ask of their busy family members too often. So they do without. There are in home helpers, but that is expensive. More stress.

Movement is probably the biggest indicator of needing help in an older person. If you have limited movement your needs are greater. You cannot upkeep your own home, or stand to make meals as you once did. The reasons for physical handicaps older people face are many.

When you age and things take longer to do, you get frustrated at your slowing down. You laugh and poke fun at yourself or if a couple, yourselves….cause if you didn’t laugh you would cry. Many start to get depressed and go into a downward spiral.

Those with families who live near and can lend a hand, or caring neighbours who have time to help and do, cause that is the way they were raised, are fortunate indeed. Many communities lend aid with garden boxes or canning circles in growing seasons. The old provide the jars and lids, donate to the buying of farm goods if able. In many cases the produce is not first picking, and minimal if anything is charged, and the circle provides the doing. Some of the older generation provide recipes and knowledge and sit and help as they can. Stories and getting to know the older generation can be a solid gold outcome in situations of help for all involved.

Getting old body wise happens long before the sharp mind full of knowledge leaves in many cases. Ranchers, teachers, butchers, housewives, policemen, postal workers,bakers, farm hands….they all lived full lives and had many experiences and seen the world’s past history live. They know a thing or two. Don’t look at them and see how old they have become and think they have nothing to offer any longer. Without their knowledge to pass on we are bound to repeat many mistakes that we should not for that very knowledge is but a question away.

Social gatherings at senior centres are great ideas. Problem is that many do not go as they don’t feel their clothing is up to their own standards (many are old but still have pride in how they look), and some simply cannot get there. There is no money to go there and back. Many are not sure what is expected and would love to sit and have a coffee and talk, play cards, but don’t know if coffee is free or not. If someone buys them a coffee they would feel very bad if they could not return such a gesture. Silly to some, but the thing about an older generation is that their standards are not the world of today’s standards. They still hold themselves to that bygone standard they were raised with.

Being seen as useless and a bother is probably the biggest cause of decline and death. What is the point of continuing on when there is nothing, or no one who cares to give you the time of day. Sometimes that old dog or cat sitting beside them is the only reason they yet live. To leave a friend and loved one behind, regardless of species, is the reason to keep pushing on just another day. Love knows no bounds.

There are many things that slowly beat the the older generation into the grave. Diet, stress, doctoring, illness, loneliness.

Eventually every person in the world will find themselves in the “older generation” boat. True understanding won’t come until your in it. There are so many nuances to living as an older person. Each year it gets tougher and those with decent health know how blessed they are to have it. Too many live and face fears we have yet to come up against but we will… time.

The golden rule of “treat others as you wish to be treated” was never more important than to those who are slowing and growing older. The golden rule has no age limit and is valid in any future. May we become better at applying it at all stages of our being. The world would be better for it.

Sandy Collins

Lives high in the mountains,horsewoman, farmer, musician, life student.