How to Bounce Back from Anything and Excel

9 Important traits for activating your ability to thrive.


If there’s one resounding theme in life, it’s that change is certain. Change happens when one stage of life ends and catapults us into another. It happens when life stuns us with a sudden event that changes us forever.

The tragic loss of my 16-year old son was the most staggering. You’ve heard it before… “She lost her child and never recovered.” That was my fear. No one is prepared for loss, especially that of a child. People kept saying to me, time heals all wounds… just give it time.

I discovered “time heals all wounds” is a myth.

As months of grieving went by, I discovered it’s not time at all, it’s what we do with that time that begins the healing process. Healing starts with our ability to activate Resilience.

Wikipedia defines resilience as “the ability to cope with change,” and “being able to withstand or recover quickly from difficulties.”

Resilience is the ability to not just bounce back, but bounce forward.

Each one of us has experienced changes caused by life-altering events. Some are stage-of-life occurrences, like an empty nest, aging, retirement. Others emerge from unplanned…



Sandy Peckinpah
Thrive Global

Write to be happy. Author, Blogger, Huffington Post, Thrive Global, on Medium since 2016.