30 Day Movie Challenge

Sandy Prasetia
6 min readFeb 3, 2017


My effort on this is way bigger than my patient, i cant stand if i have to write it in 30 days.
So, I write down all of 30 days movie challenge in a single day. Bodo amat lah challenge2an hahaha
Yok mari kita mulai!

01. Your Favourite Movie
Schindler List
How many times have you ever “khusyu” on doing something? I mean purely khusyu tanpa satupun hal lain yang kalian pikirin?
This is my first and the only one. Rada ironis memang, bukan ketika solat atau other religius things, tapi ketika nonton ini, pilem tentang orang Yahudi! :))
For at least three hours, my entire world was completely shut down, this Jews-Nazi things was magically hypnotized!
Credit goes to Steven Speilberg, he really tells the story in charismatic-breathtaking line, and its only in black and white. *hats off*

02. The Last Movie You Watched
Patriots Day
Hollywood really loves making islamic-bombing movie. Stop spreading hate and generate the ingredients, my fellow moslem!
Dan karena tragedi ini kejadiannya di Boston, ketika event olahraga, yang main juga Mark Wahlberg, dan judulnya juga Patriots, gue rada-rada ngarep aja ada sedikit scene yang diambil dari perspektif atau dampak buat New England Patriots, tapi nihil. NEP cuma masuk sekali, itupun logo doangan, karena ya tetep Boston itu punyanya Red Sox.

03. Your Fav Action/Adventure Movie
Face Off, Indiana Jones (Life of the Crusade)
Kalo harus pilih salah satu sih, Face Off. Pace-nya cepet, back and forth-nya Travolta sama Cage juga ngena banget, tegang yang diselipin dark comedy, dan yang paling penting adalah the only Nic Cage’s movie yang menurut gue “zero wtf scene” hahaha

04. Your Fav Horror Movie
Dont Breathe, The Shinning.
Karena dua film horror ini yang beneran gue tonton, yang lain cuma pura-pura gue tonton aja biar gak keliatan penakut. :))
First pick: The Shinning. Karena pace-nya lambat, rasa penasaran sama rasa takut penonton kayak ditabungin, pelan-pelan dari kaki lo dulu sampe ahirnya meledak di depan jidat.

Dont breathe? The other way around, kagak dikasih nafas dari awal sampe beres. Berengsek!

05. Your Fav Drama Movie
Before Trilogy, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, American Beauty
Pilihan pertama sih Before Sunrise, the dialogue is a pure gems.
American Beauty lebih ke personal things gegara ini pilemnya Kevin Spacey. Hehehehe

06. Your Fav Comedy Movie
wahahaha anjing baru mau ngetik judulnya aja langsung flashback ketawa-ketawa pas nonton pilemnya.

07. A Movie That Makes You Happy
Even when you mute the sound and gak tau ceritanya tentang apa, this movie can amaze you by looking at the cinematography sama mood-gradingnya.
At least for me, ini tuh kayak Farewell to Anger-nya Afremov dalam bentuk pilem.

08. A Movie That Makes You Sad
Pay it Forward, Hello Ghost
Pay it forward itu sedih yang gak bikin nangis tapi bikin murung seharian, bingung mau ngapain, deep sad.
Hello Ghost kebalikannya. Nangis beneran nonton ini, its not a rain, its a waterfall, Niagara if i had to be hyperbole. hehe

09. A Movie That You Know Practically The Whole Script
The Godfather I
Hampir sebagian besar hafal dialog dan scene/scene-nya karena hampir tiap malem gue puter meski gak bener-bener ditonton, lebih kayak temen tidur. Dasar jomblo!

10. Your Fav Director
Wah banyak ini gak bisa gue pilih salah satu.
Coppola, Vigalondo, Kubrick, Nolan, Spielberg, Scorsese, Lynch, Darabont, Woody Allen.
But the most inspiring sih; Nolan sama Scorsese.

11. Your Fav Movie From Your Childhood
Petualangan Sherina, Starship Troopers.
Masih inget sama dialog ini gak?
“M-nya apa sih?”

12. Your Fav Animated Movie
Spirited Away
Period! eh tapi dua deh sama Zootopia hahaha

13. A Movie That You Used to Love But Now Hate
The Persuit of Happiness
The real Chris Gardner was a jerk, not even close to the filmed one.

14. Your Fav Quote From Any Movie
“I’m gonna make him an offer he cant refuse” -The Godfather
“Attica! Attica!” -Dog Day Afternoon

15. The First Movie You Saw in Theaters
Kalo gak salah sih Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, pokoknya yang tentang Power Ranger lah. Yaiyalah tentang Power Ranger masa tentang Jiban. :))
Umur gue 5–6 tahun lah, Di Palaguna berdua sama Pak Deddy. Gue bengong aja kagum ada tv segede itu hahaha

16. The Last Movie You Saw in Theaters
Cek Toko Sebelah
Everytime I open up my Twitter, there is always Ernest lagi nge-RT tweet pujian tentang pilemnya, dan kebetulan diajakin temen akhirnya gue tonton. dan ampun coy, isnt worth your time and money.

17. The Best Movie You Saw During The Last Year
Frank is one of the movie which is hard to explain, susah aja gitu jelasinnya gimana. I tell you why, its so deep both in simplicty and complexity, gue juga bingung sebenernya mau suka atau benci, perhaps that is genius really mean.

18 A Movie That Disappointed You The Most
Batman vs Superman
Zack Snyder was really fucked up. The scriptwriter was high and drunk in Tahiti when he wrote the script. Gimana gak kecewa, waktu keluar itu pilem, bioskop dimana mana ngantri bukan main, muter-muter nyari yang agak sepi sampe akhirnya gue nonton di BTC karena cukup sepi dibanding yang lain, kalo tau jelek sih mending nonton di nontonmovie aja. hahahha

19. Your Fav Actor
Kevin Spacey
No reason! Just deal with it.

20. Your Fav Actrees
The one and only Natalie Portman
Demi kamu lutut sanggup mencium aspal.

21. The Most Overatted Movie
All of Star Wars Movie
Still have no idea why this franchise get so much hyped beside the iconic Darth Vader and Stormtrooper character.
The story line and the dialogue was too “garing” sih buat pilem se-hipster ini, dan karakter-karakter macam; Jabba The Hut, Jar-jar Binks, even Luke Skywalker, what are those things? Gak jelas juntrungannya. *ditimpuk fanboys Star Wars*

22. The Most Underratted Movie
The Bourne Legacy
I think the reason why this movie get lower rating dari pendahulunya was the title it self. The big banner “Bourne” is too heavy to carry.
Buat gue sih The Legacy adalah anak tiri franchise-nya Jason Bourne.

23. Your Fav Character From Any Movie
Bukan movie sih tapi tv series;
Frank Underwood (House of Cards)
Mike Milligan (Fargo)
Kalo terpaksa harus milih dari movie sih; Alex (Clockwork Orange)

24. Fav Documentary
The Imposter.
One of the “This-cant-be-true” story to ever filmed. You should watch!

25. A Movie That No One Would Expect You To Love
I dont know but I guess every One Piece Movie. My ex-girl told me why a 25 years old male loves to watched One Piece. So childish she said.

26. A Movie That is a Guilty Pleasure
Every Brazzer and Bangbros Movies. hahahaha kidding
Any Jackie Chan and Hongkong/Chinese Movie, and Korean Drama maybe hahahaha

27. Fav Classic Movie
12 Angry Men and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.
First pick: 12 Angry Men. Sebuah, halah anjing sebuah, a movie about 12 guys yang cuma ngobrol dan duduk di satu ruangan yang sama for at least 1 and half an hours, tapi lu gak bosen nontonnya. Mantap ini mantap!

28. Movie with The Best Soundtrack
Hmmm naonnya, Dope sama The Perks of Being Wallflower deh.

29. A Movie That Changed Your Opinion About Something
Dead Poets Society, Seven Years in Tibet and Schindler List
No explanation, just watch it and tell me what you get.

30. Your Least Fav Movie
Wah lupa apa yah judulnya, gue googling gak nemu, horror jepang pokoknya, nonton barengan anak-anak utama tv di studio, si gian kayaknya masih inget, mau nanya di line tapi males suka baper doi kelamaan jomblo.
Gue masih inget ada adegan kepala manusia keluar dari pundak si pemeran cewek yang entah kenapa doi tiba-tiba jadi hantu, semacam membelah diri jadi dua gitu, absurd di titik paling atas. hahahaha

That’s it. Semoga bermanfaat buat kalian semua, terlebih untuk republik hompimpah kita tercinta, Indonesia.

Kalo kalian bikin kayak ginian juga, kasih tau ogut lah siapa tau ada pilem yang belom gue tonton juga.

