What your brand should learn from Religion: Lessons 4-5

Pr Sam Neves
9 min readApr 20, 2020
Christian man walking on the countryside with Bible on his hand
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Last week we looked at the first 3 incredible lessons employed by religious brands to ensure life-long brand loyalty that can transform a skeptic into an evangelist in a few weeks. In fact, it can be argued that all 21st century branding is religious. This is clear from the terminology itself. Here are a few examples:

  • Conversion — the process of turning a prospect into a customer has always been used to describe the discipleship process within Christianity.
  • Followers — social media is made up of followers who are eager to engage with the content you are sharing. The term has been used for centuries as Rabbis and Jesus himself had followers.
  • Brand Evangelists — when Guy Kawasaki became the Chief Evangelist at Apple in 1984, marketing would never be the same. Branding had started to go through a profound transformation. Now the same loyalty and sacrifice demanded of Christian evangelists was brought to sales and marketing executives.
  • Testimonials — this is a recommendation from a satisfied customer affirming the performance, quality and value of a brand. This comes from the well-known Christian term ‘testimony’ where someone tells a story of a miracle or an encounter with God.



Pr Sam Neves

Sam Neves directs the branding and digital marketing efforts of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church. He lives in Maryland with his wife and their 3 boys.