
Sangam Pandey
2 min readJun 4, 2023

Run ChatGPT offline on your local documents

Architecture breifing how the private GPT works

Ever wondered if you have a massive knowledge base or document or Notion database which you want to use as a Question Answer system?

Ivan Martinez has made this possible where you can interact provately with you documents using the power of GPT, 100% private;y, no data leaks.

You can avoid having to upload any data to the cloud by downloading the GPT model and conducting file inspections on your local machine using Python.

A Python script known as PrivateGPT can be used to investigate local files by employing GPT4ALL, which is a free and open-source language model. The configuration of it is not overly complicated.

Step 1: Clone the repo

git clone

Step 2: Download the LLM, which is approximately 10 gigabytes in size, and save it in a new folder called “models.”

Step 3: Put the documents you want to investigate into the source_documents folder. By default, there’s a text of the last US state of the union in there

Step 4: Execute the ‘’ script, which may take a significant amount of time.

Step 5: When you run the ‘’ script, you will see a prompt appear in your terminal.

Let me know in comments what did you tried or you face any challenge.



Sangam Pandey

Technology lover, inspired by mobile development and love cloud computing