Secret Wars Of China

Prajwal sanganwar
4 min readJul 6, 2020


Sun Tzu said: if you know your enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of hundred battles

Sun Tzu was a Chinese general, military strategist,credited as the author of world’s best military strategy book ,The Art of War

To know the China first you need to know the DNA of China

Just like a spiritualism, yoga , meditation, ayurveda is in the DNA of india, China has WAR STRATEGY in their DNA

Sun Tzu said: Appear WEAK when you are strong And STRONG when you are Weak , China follows it very properly

Currently China Militarily Intimidate with countries in south china sea and the countries like India with Border Agression which clearly shows their psychological Warfare.

According to Sun Tzu the best war strategy is that in which you capture the land of enemy , resources, without harming enemy and without fighting

And with that vision China is fighting with the world in different war fronts aka WARS OF CHINA

Peter Kent Navarro is an American economist and author who first presented China’s war fronts in his book


China has biggest Piracy industry they have duplicates of A to Z goods in global market including the intellectual property and life saving drugs also

Indian Embassy in Beijing complained of several Indian brands being hit by Chinese fakes. The most popular brands included Natraj, Raymond, Fevicol, Onida, Godrej, JK Files and Dabur among a long list of others.

China holds the 85% shares of Counterfeit Market in the world


Today Africa is China’s china because in most of the african countries china involves in the major projects and all this possible because of China’s


Debt-trap diplomacy refers to the strategy used by China to trap developing or underdeveloped countries like in Africa to borrow money to be used for much needed infrastructure projects. Chinese banks provides the low interest money to these Nations for RISKY Projects

Why? Because China use these countries as vote bank in United Nations in many important decisions and to establish Dominance in Africa


It is World’s largest infrastructure initiative 1 Trillion $ Initiative involving nearly 70 countries but the actual strategy is Investment in

Infrastructure with Access to strategic points

But the main aim is to create an option for the economic connectivity with Asia, Africa and Europe by road instead of sea route passing through the indian Ocean where india is dominating

  • 1800km long Natural gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to China
  • 6,000 megawatt coal-fired electricity-generating plant in Egypt and many more

IV. Information War

China knows that information is the next oil of world .TikTok is the best example to understand this war

China has many laws that need to be obey by the companies in china which directly affects the National security of other Nations and which allows China to use customers private data

Chinese Bots are always active on social media to keep record and take actions on anti-china comments

And now china is ready to dominate the world in 5G Technology

V. Donation Diplomacy

US investigates Harvard and Yale over Chinese funding.china is running an hidden agenda to spread communism in the world by these donations

China donates to Academicians, Research bodies , Media houses to gain favour for them in world

China is the single country in the world who has plans for the next decades

  • RECONQUEST OF SOUTHERN TIBET(part of Arunachal Pradesh),(2025–30)
  • LANDS LOST TO RUSSIA ( 2050–55)

China also has the plan to overtake world cricket market by 2030!

But now China is exposing,The world is finally uniting against China

World needs the international front to stop the china and control of china on the global supply chain and india will have to play a key Role in it

