Why is your divine masculine ghosting you, ignoring you?

It is a common phenomenon in the twin flame journey to experience ghosting, ignoring, blocking from your divine masculine energy.

Why do they block you?

They block you for a number of reasons.

But the major reason, what I have personally experienced is, they do so because you are not in alignment with your divine feminine aspect of yourself.

You think, they are your world, home, and you would forget yourself in the process of unconditional love.

You forget that you have a life, you have goals, visions, dreams, etc. Instead of chasing your dreams, you chase divine masculine. You become a codependent and fearfully anxiously attached person. They try to give you hints by ignoring you, but you don’t reflect and learn, so they ghost or block you.

They do this so that you can become divine feminine because he sees you as a divine being. You are his inspiration, he doesn’t want the feminine adores in low vibrational energy.

Eventually, he pushes you into the phase of spiritual awakening. You go through the dark night of the soul, where everything crashes, you find yourself broken on the floor, lying like a vegetable. Here’s where your journey towards embodying the divine feminine begins.

You start to work through all your wounds and traumas through inner work.

There are other reasons as well to ignore, block, or ghost you. I’ll share those in my next blog.

Dear souls,

I have been on this journey right from childhood without my awareness. I’m here to share the tips and tools to overcome the pain that you are going through because I’ve been there myself.

Twin Soul Ascension (Geet-Mirror Soul)

Awakened Feminine on Alchemical Journey, Psychotherapist, Trauma Researcher