AIRDESK 6.17 version

Sang Hun Han
3 min readApr 9, 2019


Daily Statistics

Hey! I’m Airdesk developer Sanghun Han.

In the meantime, the basic functions of the Todolist have been lacking, and the design and UI have not been intuitive. This update has improved existing deficiencies, adding essential features and statistical data.

Changing UI

Before Todo list design
After Todo list design

Our old version Todolist allows you to open a complete list or delete all completed items through the top round button of the window. The original design was not intuitive. New Todolist follows the universal layout configuration and makes it easier to use buttons on bottom-left. I also wanted to create a more easy-to-see design, such as the boundary between each item, the size of the completed button, the thickness and size of the text, and the wider width.

statistical display

Scores and statistical data have been provided to make more convenient Todolist. When you create or complete a Todolist, you earn points and provide simple statistics to help you see how much you are completing your goals. I wanted to let you know when it took you to complete the schedule and complete each schedule, but the size of the data to implement was much bigger than I thought. For this reason, I focused on to provide essential statistics while reducing the size of the data as much as possible.

Modifying items

You can now modify the item. Double-clicking the item will open the window, enter a note, or modify the target date.


At some user request, Time widget has added an option to allow the display of seconds in the AM/PM.

Next update

There’s a word called “Routine”, which is often used by people who exercise. It’s what you do every day over and over, and surprisingly there aren’t many apps to manage your routine. I’ve looked for data research and downloaded reference apps for development, but I couldn’t see services that provide good routine management. I don’t think there are many services that specialize in this area. In the next update, I will make features to create and manage habits based on routine.

