Sang Hun Han
4 min readFeb 11, 2017


Why We do this?

Every project on computer process following logic. Something can easily change, like layout or font. But it’s hard to little change structure. You never say to architect “It’s quite good but I’d like to move this. Could you move this building 2-inch left?”

Website Build Process

1. Concept

Concept contain your requirement, purpose, domain. Requirement something like this, ‘adding comment reply’, ‘admin page’, ‘data visualization table’, ‘using social API(Application Programming Interface)’, etc. Clear request always good for you and programmer. Because many functions are related each other. That can change every choice. Platform, open-source, server capacity. Yes it effects everything.

2. Design

Website looks like building. You can rent container for store but it’s not proper choice for extension. If you need skyscraper, first you have to hire experts a lot. Design step following below process.

  • Sitemap
  • Layout
  • Story board
  • Main page
  • Pages
  • Database

These are basic steps. Complex function site needs more steps to complete. Sitemap shows flow and function. It leads visitant behavior. Remember minimize click. Make that simple, clear. Nobody wants maze style website for ordinary business. Without this visitant never stay even 5 seconds.

Story board contains genuine purpose. Layout, color, font will reflect your story. Have obvious message. That makes value of website and soap the ways.

Main page is first impression. It’s important for everyone even website. Focus on categorized navigation. Clear to understand your website. Minimize advertise, remove ugly popup. No one wants to see.

Layout & Pages have one goal. To maximize user interface & user experience(UI/UX). Some site has grid style. Other site has vertical or horizontal style layout. Font and color change site mood. All of them has to be built for customer’s usability.

Finally, database design. But this step didn’t build database, just design. To select what data needed or not. Dynamic website transfer various type of data. If you’re not programming your website, you have to tell to programmer which is expected data size, price and performance you need.

3. Production

Production is final optimization. Following steps needed.

  • Programming
  • UI/UX
  • Testing
  • Search Engine Optimization(SEO)
  • Security
  • Scale control
  • Optional: multi language support
  • Opening

Long time need programming step because of unexpected situation. Even if you made sound & detail design, project is always hard to finish. Programming step would effect Design step. Some function could be deleted or altered. But this is acceptable. Most important thing is core value of your site. You have to focus on this.

UI/UX helps site’s core value. Just make it easy.

Testing step is important. Many outsourcing programmer don’t finish when requester don’t care of it. There are so many test for website.

For publishing or contents based website has to value on Search Engine Optimization(SEO). It increase visitants and more attractive for Google Search Engine. This parts has long story and study. Like Testing step, you need to find little deeper.(soon I’m going to write testing & SEO)

Security quite hard for normal business founder. Only ways to achieve this, harass your programmer! If you lose customer information or root, your website will see doom’s day.

Scale control means preparing scale up & out. First time every website starts small. But more visitants and traffic will load your website. That decreases performance, speed or sometimes blocks to visit.

Finally opening. Yes. You did. But the opening goal is not just opening. Your website go through many test and modification. But there are no people’s feedback. The opening step preparing this.

Many website models are under ‘Network Effect.’ This is powerful effect when gathering more people. It will be contagious. But we have no single member right now. Even if you made prototype of Facebook, it’s not working alone. Initial minimum users are needed. How can get your people before launching? There are few ways to this. Gather a testers. To advertise or request your relatives, friends. When you advertise website, choose target wisely. Remember Paypal’s beginning. Their advertisement and service focused only one group, eBay mega-dealers.

Process is done. But business starts. This is repeated activity for whole website provider. Now you’re in. Let me know when you launch website.


