How to Use Whatsapp Web Version?

Sangita Chavada
2 min readFeb 17, 2015


Whatsapp is a first mobile messaging app. This make the app more personal as you can use it in your phone. PC users are following the unofficial method for using Whatsapp on PC using Bluestacks or YouWave. But now, Whatsapp app is finally and officially available for PC. You can genuinely use Whatsapp for Web or Desktop with the new feature that is — Whatsapp Web Version. Now the question raised in your mind that How to use Whatsapp Web Version. Don’t worry, we are here to guide you by providing simple and easy steps given below:

Steps to use Whatsapp for Web- Windows 7/XP/ 8 etc.?

This new feature is completely web based feature and it works only on Google Chrome. To use Whatsapp on web, you need to have a Google Web Browser and a latest version of Whatsapp for Android, Windows Phone and Blackberry. All you need to download the chrome and install the latest version of Whatsapp. Then follow the simple steps given below to use Whatsapp for web version - windows 7/Xp/8, PC etc.

→ Visit in your Google Chrome browser.

→ Then you will see QR CODE on the screen.

→ Take your Android or Smartphone and open Whatsapp then go to the options.

→ On Android, its the three dots, right at the top of your chat list. There you’ll find an option called “Whatsapp Web”.

→ Tap on Whatsapp Web and QR Code scanning screen will appear to scan the code.

→ Scan the code and its all over. Now you will see all your conversations in your web browser Google Chrome.

→ Suppose if you want to sign out the Whatsapp Web, then its easy. Just go to options in Mobile>>>>go to Whatsapp Web>>>>Click on Sign out otpion.

So friends we hope you all find easy to use Whatsapp Web Version on Windows 7/XP/8, computers etc. You can also download UC Browser for PC to enjoy the seamless browsing. For If you find any difficulty while downloading Whatsapp Web Version than feel free to comment in the section below.

