Sang Saka NFT
13 min readSep 28, 2022


Written by: Megat Law
Translated by: Hikayat

A few years ago, in a far-off and hidden region…

Sunday, 17 May 2015, 11.00 PM.

“O Almighty… Never once in my life did I consider… That I would lose count of every sigh.”

“My heart races… The ring of her sobs reaches my ears clearly… My eyelids droop and lose all focus.”

“O Almighty, allow me to finally reach out from within.

To my beloved muse, this will be the final thread of a tale I started long ago, made more beautiful with the tears I shed while pleading my case against you.”

Nestled at the end of a lonely road, sat a single-story bungalow. Inside, a family wept under dim light.

Multiple portraits adorned the walls, decorated beautifully with wooden frames that were painted black. Antique trinkets gathering dust lined the cupboards.

A frail man lay feebly on a bed, his face pale with weakness. Accompanying him was a woman who combed his hair while wiping away tears from her cheeks.

“How I wish to still be given the chance to repent and pray to the Almighty for forgiveness.”

“I am but a servant who has sinned throughout his entire life. The burden of my sins outweighs the good deeds I have done. Don’t ever mention my name in your prayers, as I have done Him wrongly.”

“If this is to be the last of my breath, I leave everything in God’s hands. With that, I beg you all to leave me in peace.”

“Wipe away your tears and gaze upon me one last time with a smile carved on your face. This is my final request.”

That night, a thunderous roar cracked from the skies, accompanied by lightning. The wind blew fiercely, but the air was strangely warm.

The feeble man let out the last of his breath after a few minutes had passed. As soon as his eyes closed, the rain started to pour heavily.

This is the beginning, Of a peculiar tale,

A tale of a man,

Who has passed on.

The thought of this tale, To be accepted,

By one who is sane, Only provokes reality.

However, you must compose yourself. Lend me your eyes. Lend me your ears. Lend me your heart.

Let us dive into this vast ocean filled with stories that were once considered by many to have only existed as fairy tales.

Stories that were once told to the masses by bards from afar. A tale enshrouded in mystery. A curse without an end. This dreadful curse of the seven deadly sins has wrapped around the fragile souls of this nation’s children. The sins of greed, pride, gluttony, wrath, sloth, lust, and envy.

Those with absolute sins will be taken into a foreign realm. The sinners consumed by their misdeeds are thrown into a desolate valley of landlessness, their souls tormented and their hearts broken.

The beat of the drums and gongs, The tune of the flutes,

The strum of the gambus,

The plucking of the violins.

A young child pulls a rope, The stage curtains open wide, Made of the softest yellow silk, and The bard begins, to tell his tale.

A delicate spirit fell into a portal that had just opened. The spirit then plunged into a second portal, followed by four more.

It kept falling, not knowing when the fall would end. The spirit was hurled into the seventh portal, and…


The spirit hit the ground below and cratered into the soft soil. A thick cloud of black smoke billowed into the air. Whirling past a dense forest, the smoke plunged into the crater and wrapped itself around the spirit that had sunk below.

“Where… Where am I?” whispered a hoarse voice from within the crater.

Slowly, the spirit struggled to lift his arm above the crater. The black smoke began to envelop the tip of his shoulder blades.

“It’s sweltering and pitches black in here, and the air feels thin. Is this what the clerics and preachers have warned us about?

Have I entered a horrifying state of… purgatory?”

The spirit thrashed around as if he was being swallowed by the earth, trying his best to raise his arms higher.

Then, the wisps of black smoke surrounding his upper body began to manifest in the form of white bone that extended until his elbows.

“If I’m not dreaming, where is my linen shroud? Why am I not wrapped in white garments? Why aren’t there poisonous serpents strangling my neck?

Am I not a servant who has sinned throughout his entire life? O Almighty, I have come forth to witness the unseen promised by your messengers!”

The white bones continued to manifest around the spirit’s arms. Afterward, the black smoke swirled around his head, forming a pair of intensely icy blue eyes that created a window into his soul.

From there, a pointed nose began to form in the center of his face, followed by a set of ears on either side of his head.

His chest expanded outward, causing his spine and shoulder blades to grow rapidly and connect his neck with his waist.

The spirit wailed out in pain as his body began to complete its transformation. His jaw grew after a muffled yell came from within.

“O Almighty, fill my soul with understanding. I stand in front of your unseen presence, patiently waiting for the answers that are hidden from me. Your sinful servant does not understand, why his heart, is beating back to life!”

Lub-dub! — his chest heaved as if it was hammered by chanting of horrible spells.

A loud voice suddenly boomed and echoed throughout the air, surprising the spirit’s senses.

“O bastard offspring, of the tyrannical king…”

“Who are you?” the spirit quivered in agony, “Are you Munkar or Nakir?”

“It is I, your angel of death.”

“Get away from me! I’ve already met you once and I have no intention of meeting you again!”

“Say your name…”

A great tremor was felt as the ground began to split in half. The surrounding trees in the forest began to sway violently.

“Jabbar! My name is Jabbar!”

Sunday, 10 Meṣa 1500 SR (Saka Realm)


Kunang Culas Forest, Northern District, .


11:45 PM.


A pair of hands emerged from the soil below. The hands struggled to dig a pit and lift themselves above the surface of the ground.

Then, a head with long flowing hair appeared from within the pit.

The revenant stepped out of the pit and hugged himself for warmth.

As soon as he emerged, a tattered brown cloth appeared from thin air and wrapped his exposed body.

He flicked his long hair to the left and right, examining the palms of his hands.

He looked down towards his bony chest and was surprised to spot a visible heart beating slowly inside his ribcage.

The revenant studied his entire body but was shocked to see it was only left with pure bone. Not a single piece of flesh was in sight.

A confusing sensation engulfed his empty mind. He felt like an infant that was born anew. The revenant’s slender figure of 185 centimeters stepped forward lightly.

As he advanced, a sparkle of fireflies whizzed past his gaunt face. He gently raised his skeletal hand and tried to touch the shimmering insects.

He looked up into the vast expanse of the night sky. The bright moon was surrounded by twinkling stars.

“Where in the world am I?” mumbled the revenant.



“Young man…” rasped a voice from behind the revenant.

The revenant, whose name was Jabbar, whipped round to face the mysterious voice.

He caught a glimpse of an elderly female revenant seated on a chair. In her right hand, she clutched a black cane with a skull-shaped handle.

“Who are you?” Jabbar asked while backing up.

The elderly revenant opened her eyes slowly. Her vision was obscured by her long, wispy hair that was both white and black. A light breeze tousled her hair back.

“I am a humble traveller just like you,” she replied softly, “I too have been banished to this godforsaken land.”

The elderly revenant stood up confidently from her chair.

“I am Neng Widuri, and you are Jabbar,” she gravelly uttered while readjusting the floral batik shawl wrapped around her head.

Jabbar frowned and straightened his posture. His eyes darted around as he felt a threatening presence.

“I am a mediator of two very different realms,” she continued. “Your existence and recent resurrection have been relayed to me since last month. It is my duty to welcome you — ”

“What exactly do you mean?” interrupted Jabbar.

“Look around you, boy!” Neng Widuri hobbled forward with the aid of her cane.

“This world isn’t heaven or hell, nor is it a resting place for weary travellers. You have ventured into an isolated land far away from your beloved hometown.

A land” she rapped the ground with her cane ”created especially for sinners like you.”

With the tap of her cane, the torches surrounding Neng Widuri and Jabbar lit up with raging flames.

Clack! Clack! Clack!

Five jerangkung soldiers materialized and encircled Jabbar. Each of them drew their weapons out.

One of the soldiers brought out a pair of iron handcuffs and walked toward the lone revenant.

“May I have your attention,” ordered the soldier.

Jabbar quickly faced the approaching soldier and stared brazenly into his eyes.

“Please state your name,” the soldier continued, ready to apprehend Jabbar with the pair of handcuffs he had brought.

“Only after you introduce yourself,” Jabbar replied. “Isn’t it more courteous that way?”

“Arjuna,” the soldier replied.

Jabbar stood his ground, ready to face Arjuna. A piercing gust of wind assaulted them from all directions.

“And mine is Jabbar.”


Both of Jabbar’s wrists were securely fastened by Arjuna’s handcuffs.

“Well, this is a first,” Arjuna told Jabbar as he escorted him toward his squad.

“Every single Jasper Jerangkung that we’ve arrested in the past has always made a run for it, but not you.”

“Where would I run, sir?” Jabbar chuckled wearily. “This world is already foreign enough to me.”

Arjuna held Jabbar’s left shoulder and pushed him gently.

“Right this way.”

The squad of five jerangkung soldiers marched beside Jabbar. They followed a dirt path into a dense forest, the moonlight shining on their polished uniforms.

Jabbar looked up into the sky and observed his surroundings. His hands trembled, and his body began to feel tense.

The twigs crunched under his feet as he walked down the beaten path. Personal feelings began to cloud his judgment as he struggled to think of what would happen to him.

His throat felt dry and his eyes darted around the environment.

Any remnant of pride in him had started to dissipate. Instead, fear crept over Jabbar like a starving beast.

This kind of fear preyed on the weak-minded. Jabbar started to realize that it was in one’s nature to be afraid of the unknown.

He knew that if he made an attempt to flee from the soldiers, he would eventually be recaptured. The deadly aura emanating from the squad leader alone made him believe that he was no match for them.

Jabbar suspected that Arjuna was an individual not to be messed with. His authority over the rest of his squad was evident, as each of his orders was obeyed by his faithful comrades.

Unbeknownst to him, although Jabbar was merely a Jasper Jerangkung, he possessed the supernatural ability to detect the presence of other jerangkung.

This was an extraordinary ability that would soon be exploited and mastered by Jabbar at some point later in this tale, one that had only just begun.

12.30 AM.

The group passed through a total of five crossroads since they started their trek into the forest.

A brilliantly golden light gleamed on their sombre faces as they marched past a peculiar grove of trees. Towering ahead of them were palisades that held blazing torches.

Jabbar was blinded by the torches and looked away. After his eyes adjusted to the abrupt brightness, he stared back at the incandescent source.

He suddenly realized that he had arrived at an immense base that loomed over him.

Built on the edge of a sandy cape, the base exuded a haunting magnificence as it seemingly floated above the calm waters of the sea close by.

The base was heavily guarded by dozens of jerangkung soldiers and consisted of three buildings encircled by a stockade made of scarlet mahogany.

The base was also adorned by curved black roofs inspired by the traditional Minangkabau aesthetic.

Although the buildings were basked in the moonlight that refracted from the sheen of the mahogany, a gloomy presence still lingered.

Jabbar, still taken aback by the mighty structure, was incapable of coming back to his senses.

“Onward!” barked Arjuna to his subordinates.

Without hesitation, the soldiers led Jabbar towards the edge of the forest in the direction of the base. For a brief moment, Jabbar caught a glimpse of the frothy waves that crashed into the shoreline nearby.

“Lord Arjuna,” said one of the soldiers.

Arjuna glanced at his subordinate. The soldier continued,

“The overcast night brings with it a chilly atmosphere.”

“It’s possible that it could rain later,” another soldier chimed in, maintaining his eyesight forward with vigilance.


Arjuna drew out his machete that was hung at his side in a gilded scabbard.

Jabbar looked around frantically. The thought of someone observing him from afar made his hair stand up on the back of his neck.

“Everyone can calm down,” muttered Arjuna to his comrades as he gave a hand signal to proceed.

Clomp! Clomp! Clomp!

Several sets of footsteps grew louder as they trotted closer to the group.

“Stay on guard..” warned Arjuna...




The soldiers quickly drew their weapons and turned towards the direction of the oncoming footsteps.


A longsword clashed violently with Arjuna’s machete.

A male jerangkung equipped with an iron cuirass in a ragged brown cloak took a stab at Arjuna with his sword.

Slowly, he raised his head and gave Arjuna a sly grin. A smoldering white ring was etched into his forehead.

“At last, we meet again, Lord Arjuna!!” the revenant cackled.


Arjuna and the enemy revenant continued to fight but were both flung backward.

Seemingly out of nowhere, a rain of arrows descended upon Arjuna and his comrades.

They swiftly dispersed and managed to dodge the oncoming attack.

In the distance, three male jerangkung were perched in the treetops. They drew their bows and aimed at Arjuna, awaiting orders to fire their arrows.

Clomp! Clomp!

The armored revenant from earlier dashed towards Arjuna.

“You will release your prisoner tonight, Arjuna.” he boasted, confidently resting the blade of his double-edged sword on his right shoulder.

Arjuna adjusted his stance and sauntered towards Bahadur. He gripped his machete firmly in his right hand.

“Over my dead body.” Arjuna taunted.

With a stomp of his foot, Arjuna rushed towards Bahadur.

He raised the blade of his machete towards his lips and muttered an incantation.

1:00 AM.

After 15 minutes of intense dueling…


Bahadur’s limp body fell to the ground, his heartbeats dwindling. The inky blood that sprayed from a gash on his chest soaked the earth below.

Arjuna stood before his downed opponent, sheathing his machete into his gilded scabbard. He carefully removed an arrow that had penetrated deep into his shoulder blade and threw it to Bahadur’s side.

“Your comrades have fallen,” spat Arjuna. Bahadur wistfully gazed into Arjuna’s soul.

“We have been companions for God knows how long,” jested Bahadur with disappointment. “Yet you still refuse to call me by name.”

“The world is either black or white,” Arjuna replied. “You decided to choose black.”

Bahadur sharpened his eyes towards Arjuna with a grin on his face.

“You are wrong, my friend,” panted Bahadur. “I chose grey.”

Arjuna had to walk away. It was difficult for him to end Bahadur’s life. Remnants of their life-long friendship still existed deep within his heart.

Wanting to reconcile with his friend, he chose to let bygones be bygones.

“It breaks my heart to see what you’ve become.” Bahadur continued to cough up blood. “You’d rather stoop so low by becoming a mutt tied to Luth Fajar’s leash!”

Arjuna froze in his tracks. Bahadur’s insult pierced sharply into his heart. He turned around and cast his eyes down towards his friend.

“Aww, have I hurt your feelings, Arjuna?” Bahadur sneered sickly.

“No,” Arjuna replied solemnly.As a matter of fact, I feel relieved. Look at you, kneeling defeated before me.”


Bahadur spat at Arjuna’s foot.

Arjuna clenched his fists in anger and gripped the hilt of his machete on his side.

“Regret nothing when facing death and forgo your own wounds,” Arjuna reminisced. “Isn’t that what you’ve always preached Bahadur?”

Bahadur burst into laughter. He slid his body back, clutching his chest with his right hand. He tried to prevent the gash from opening any further.

Without haste, Arjuna unsheathed his machete and thrust it deep into Bahadur’s chest.

Inky blood gushed from Bahadur’s lips. As soon as Arjuna’s machete was removed from his chest, Bahadur’s head fell limp to the ground.

Jabbar, who had been waiting nearby, was aghast at the sight of the bloodbath.

His eyes were transfixed on the back of Arjuna’s soaked body. His body quivered as sweat trickled down between his shoulders.

After wiping off the blood from the blade of his machete, Arjuna marched back towards Jabbar and the rest of the squad.

“Let us continue forward,” Arjuna commanded as he pushed Jabbar’s shoulder.

However, Jabbar suddenly froze and lowered his gaze. He stopped in his tracks and asked Arjuna a question.

“If you wouldn’t mind me asking, where exactly are you taking me to?”

Arjuna fell silent for a moment.

“The Jasper Prison,” he responded mournfully.




Sang Saka NFT

Sang Saka is a storytelling NFT project based on Nusantara mythical creatures and lore. Our vision is to become a succesfull web3-native media franchise.