What is Prakruti ?

Sanhita Negi
4 min readJul 9, 2020


Let me give you a very common notion which is also a very big myth.

You have a friend who has joint pain and has been on an ayurvedic medication. He shares his amazing experience with you about the ayurvedic treatment he took. Knowing that you too have been fighting with the same problem, you decide to follow his medication without consulting the physician. Soon, you realize that the medication didn’t work at all, but made your pain worse.

Due to your increasing agony, you decide to go by “Whatsapp Gyan”, which has sadly become today’s most reliable guru. Little did you realise, that the pain became as worse as it could get.

The point I’m trying to make here is that

“One man’s food is another man’s poison.”

This simple means that 2 individuals , even if they have the same disease might react to the same treatment differently.

The healing science of Ayurveda is based upon the knowledge of Prakruti, the individual body constitution. If every individual knows his own constitution, then one can understand for instance, what is a good diet and style of life for oneself. Therefore, to make one’s life healthy, happy and balanced, the knowledge of body constitution is absolutely necessary.

Ayurveda believes that every individual is a unique phenomenon. Whatever is there is the macrocosm, the same exists in the microcosm. This means just as our bodies are made up of trillions of independent cells, we are all little cells in the universal organism.

The vibration of pure universal consciousness produces the soundless sound of “OM”. From this sound, the five basic elements are produced. The Rishis use the theory of The Five Basic Elements, more properly known as the five basic states of material existence to explain how the internal and external forces are linked together. The 5 basic elements are :-

  1. Earth ( Prithavi )
  2. Water ( Jal )
  3. Fire ( Agni )
  4. Air ( Vayu )
  5. Ether ( Akash )
The characteristics of 5 basic elements (Panchmahabhoot)
Figure 1 — The characteristics of 5 basic elements (Panchmahabhoot)

Furthermore, these 5 basic elements are manifested into the 3 biological organizations known as Vata, Pitta and Kapha — the 3 Doshas. In every organism, these 3 govern all physio-pathological changes.

Figure 2 — Tridoshas — an interblend of the panchmahabhootas

Will give a more clear description and understanding of the Tridoshas in my upcoming blog.


At the time of fertilization, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, (by their permutations and combinations) determine the Prakruti (Body Constitution) of the fetus. There are 7 possible constitutional types : -

  1. Vata (V)
  2. Pitta (P)
  3. Kapha (K)
  4. Vata-Pitta (VP)
  5. Pitta-Kapha (PK)
  6. Vata-Kapha (VK)
  7. Vata-Pitta-Kapha (VPK)

Here is a chart representing the characteristics of different the 3 main Prakrutis.

“Try finding out your Prakruti !!!!”😉👍

Figure 3 — Body Constitution Type Chart

Why should you know your PRAKRUTI?

Prakruti is useful in predicting an individuals susceptibility to a particular disease and selection of therapy.

Let me explain this through another simple yet a very important example.

If a vata type person develops vataj disorder (like joint pain, constipation, indigestion, dandruff, headache,etc.), then its prognosis is difficult (which means it takes time to cure). If kapha type or pitta type person develops similar vataj disease, then the prognosis is better and the disease is likely to be cured easily.

Hence, knowing your Prakruti becomes very important in diagnosing and planning a treatment for a disease. There’s more to it. The Prakruti also helps you to know : —

  • Who am I? (My Body Constitution)
  • What kind of food should I take?
  • What kind of food should I avoid?
  • What should I eat in moderation ?
  • What should I eat occasionally ?
  • What should I follow in my lifestyle ?

Knowing your Prakruti would eventually help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.


My motive was not to teach you the theory and the science behind the power of Prakruti, but to make you understand the entire essence behind the theory. My whole intention lies on making you aware of the preconceived and wrong notion, which is being followed nowadays.

Never make the mistake of treating yourself on your own.

“You cannot see what a medicine will do inside your body, but only a doctor can.”

All images sourced from Google.

