Team building

Effective Communication & Team Work

Sania Javaid
3 min readApr 20, 2019

Effective communication and teamwork will help a business maintain a positive work environment. Effective communication also permeates throughout all areas of business operations, because a positive workplace means happier employees are interacting with the public and with consumers. Effective communication among business teams begins with leadership that sets clear methods and standards.

Define Expectations to Boost Accountability

Business leaders are constantly setting expectations, from sales goals to customer service requirements, to team interactions. Set goals and expectations, and then clearly state the defined expectations. Clarity in communication reduces confusion among team members. Managers cannot expect to enforce employee accountability if employees are confused about what they are supposed to do.

There are several common areas in which defining expectations is absolutely necessary: diversity and anti-discriminatory policies; sales goals; and service procedures. For example, if a business leader wants incoming service calls dealt with “expeditiously,” then you need to define “expeditiously.” State “expeditiously” means resolving the issue in two minutes, or explain which situations require a supervisor’s intervention.

Build Listening Skills to Avoid Misunderstanding

A key component of communication is listening to what others say. Provide the team with ways to speak to leaders. This includes having open-door policies to address issues. It also includes having tip boxes, debriefings on projects and having team-member surveys. Don’t allow these to be superficial or symbolic communication opportunities. Include all feedback into consideration, and take action, as required.

Be Consistent to Ensure Adherence

A company might have defined its communications policies clearly, but it might not have adhered to them. Team members respond positively when they understand the company’s expectations and when they know leadership follows the rules consistently. Selectively choosing which communications policies will set the standard for team members to do what they wish.

For example, one policy might be to have a requirement to not send email communication from a public location that isn’t secure, such as from a coffee house. If the sales manager is at a local coffee shop and sends sensitive emails to any staff member or emails to customers that include private information, then the rest of the sales team cannot be held to a different standard.

Set the Example and Lead from the Top

Effective communication starts with top leadership, and then it trickles down to every level of the team. Executives and managers need to hold themselves to the same standards. This includes seeking feedback, celebrating successes and addressing obstacles and establishing personal action plans. Team members often mimic behavior — good or bad — of leadership.

Encourage Team-Strengthening Communication

Teams are strengthened when individuals feel empowered to express ideas in a respectful, accepting environment. Host team-building events or provide other opportunities for team members to hang out and get to know each other. This helps promote mutual respect for other team members beyond day-to-day work details. Coach employees about diversification and offer diversity days, which enable employees to celebrate unique qualities that make the entire team great.

