The Fear of Reaching Out to Old Friends and the Burden of FailureHave you ever felt like you know about an old friend that you used to be very close to, but you’re so scared to say hello to them again…Sep 7Sep 7
The Hardest Part of Being a PerfectionistIt’s easy to think that being a perfectionist is simple, but it’s not! It seems like it’s just a matter of tidying things up perfectly…Aug 22Aug 22
The Unplanned JourneyLife often takes us down paths we never imagined. Your current school and major may feel far from the list of dreams you’ve made. When the…Aug 21Aug 21
Lonely in a Crowd: Navigating the Irony of SocializingAs we enter adulthood, we often find ourselves facing a number of socialization demands. One example is when we start college. It seems…Aug 21Aug 21
HugThere are things that always feel warm, but it’s interesting how only those at the top seem to notice. A hug is a simple way to show…Aug 7Aug 7