Understanding the Depths of Overloading in Java

Sanil Shrestha
2 min readFeb 5, 2024


Overloading in Java provides a powerful mechanism for creating multiple methods with the same name but different parameters within the same class. While it enhances code flexibility, there are some nuances and depth to consider, especially when dealing with ambiguous situations. Let’s explore some scenarios to understand the intricacies of method overloading.

Method Resolution with Null Argument:

Consider a scenario where we have two overloaded methods:

void myMethod(String test);
void myMethod(Object test);

Now, if we invoke myMethod(null), Java faces ambiguity because both String and Object types can accept null. In such cases, the compiler chooses the most specific type, i.e., String in this case. Therefore, myMethod(String test) will be invoked.

Widening vs. Boxing:

Java allows primitive widening conversions and auto-boxing, which can lead to ambiguity in overloading. For example:

void myMethod(int i); 
void myMethod(long l);

If we call myMethod(5), which method will be invoked? Java prefers widening over boxing. Therefore, myMethod(int i) will be called because widening from int to long is preferred over boxing.

Varargs and Overloading:

Overloading with varargs (variable arguments) can also introduce complexity:

void myMethod(int... nums); 
void myMethod(double... nums);

Calling myMethod(1, 2, 3) will lead to ambiguity because both int and double varargs can accommodate the given arguments. In such cases, Java resolves ambiguity by selecting the most specific match. Therefore, myMethod(int... nums) will be invoked.

Inheritance and Overloading:

Overloading methods in subclasses can have implications:

class Parent {     
void myMethod(String s);

class Child extends Parent {
void myMethod(Object obj);

If we create an instance of Child and invoke myMethod(null), it will invoke myMethod(Object obj) from the Child class because it's an override, not an overload. In the context of polymorphism, the most specific method defined in the subclass will be invoked.

Ambiguity Resolution:

Java compilers are designed to catch ambiguous overloading situations and raise compilation errors. For instance, having two methods with the same name and parameter types but different return types will result in a compilation error.

Understanding these nuances of overloading in Java is crucial for writing clean and predictable code. By considering method resolution rules, inheritance, and varargs, developers can effectively utilize overloading to enhance code readability and maintainability while avoiding ambiguities.

