What Is A Wall-Hung Toilet, and How Does It Work?

7 min readFeb 21, 2024


In modern bathroom design, wall-hung toilets have gained significant popularity. Their sleek and space-saving design and efficient functionality have made them a preferred choice for many homeowners. This article will explore wall-hung toilets and how they work, offering insights into their features and advantages.

What is a wall-hung toilet?

A wall-hung toilet, also known as a wall-mounted toilet, is a bathroom fixture attached to the wall rather than resting on the floor like traditional toilets. This unique design creates an illusion of floating, lending a contemporary and minimalist appeal to any bathroom space. Moreover, the suspended design saves floor space, making this toilet perfect for small bathrooms.

How Does a Wall-Hung Toilet Work?

Wall-hung toilets work through a combination of different components and a flushing mechanism. The installation is also more complex than traditional toilets, which are easier to install.

Components of Wall-hung toilet

A wall-hung toilet consists of several components that work together to provide functionality. The key features include:

  • Bowl: The toilet bowl is made of ceramic or porcelain and is designed for comfortable use.
  • Carrier System: The carrier system is a metal or steel frame that supports the toilet and is securely installed within the wall. It provides stability and holds the weight of the bathroom.
  • Concealed Tank: The buried tank is essential to a wall-hung toilet. It is hidden within the wall and holds the water used for flushing. The tank is connected to the water supply and has a mechanism that controls the flushing process.
  • Flush Plate/Buttons: The flush plate or buttons are on the wall above the toilet, initiating the flushing mechanism. They are connected to the concealed tank and allow you to choose between a full or partial flush, depending on your needs.
  • Drain Pipe: The drain pipe connects the toilet bowl to the sewage system, carrying away the waste and ensuring proper disposal.


The sturdy metal frame holds everything together. This frame is securely installed within the wall and acts as a support for the toilet. It also houses a concealed tank with the water needed for flushing.

When you press the flush button or lever, a mechanism inside the concealed tank is activated. This mechanism releases a specific amount of water into the toilet bowl. As the water enters the bowl, it creates a swirling motion, effectively flushing away the waste.

Once you’re done flushing, the tank refills itself, preparing for subsequent use. The waste from the toilet is carried away through a drain pipe connected to the sewage system, just like with any other bathroom.

Flushing mechanism

There are generally two main types of flushing mechanisms used in wall-hung toilets:

  • Gravity-Assist Flushing

Gravity-assist toilets rely on gravity to create a siphoning effect that removes waste from the bowl. When you press the flush button or lever, it opens a valve in the concealed tank. This allows water to flow from the tank into the toilet bowl, generating a solid flush.

As the water enters the bowl, it creates a swirling motion that helps carry away the waste through the drain pipe connected to the sewage system. Gravity-assist toilets tend to be quieter and may use less water per flush, making them more water-efficient.

  • Pressure-Assist Flushing

Pressure-assist toilets use compressed air or water pressure to create a more powerful flush. When the flush button or lever is activated, it triggers a valve in the concealed tank to release pressurized water.

The sudden release of pressurized water provides a forceful flush, effectively clearing the waste bowl. Pressure-assist toilets offer a more forceful color that effectively removes waste with less chance of clogging.


Installing a wall-hung toilet requires careful steps to ensure proper installation and functionality.

Step 1: Prepare the wall by checking its structural integrity and creating space for the carrier system.

Step 2: Install appropriate plumbing connections, including water supply and drain pipes.

Step 3: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to install the carrier system securely within the wall opening, ensuring it is level and stable.

Step 4: Mount the toilet bowl onto the carrier system using the provided mounting hardware, making sure it is level and aligned correctly.

Step 5: Connect the water supply line to the concealed tank and the drain pipe from the toilet bowl to the sewage system, ensuring tight and leak-free connections.

Step 6: Install the flush plate or buttons on the wall above the toilet, connecting them to the concealed tank according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Step 7: Check for stability, leaks, and proper flushing functionality, making any necessary adjustments.

The installation of wall-hung toilets is complex, and you may need professional assistance to ensure a successful and safe installation.

Advantages of Wall-Hung Toilets

Wall-hung toilets have become a popular option in the market due to the fantastic features they offer like:

Enhanced aesthetics

Wall-hung toilets exude a modern and sophisticated vibe, adding a touch of elegance to any bathroom decor. The clean lines and seamless integration with the wall contribute to a visually pleasing ambiance.


One of the primary benefits of wall-hung toilets is their ability to free up floor space. They create a more open, visually appealing bathroom environment without a visible tank or base. This primarily benefits smaller bathrooms or those aiming for a minimalist aesthetic.

Easy to clean

The suspended design of wall-hung toilets simplifies the cleaning process. With no floor base to maneuver around, the entire floor area beneath the bathroom is easily accessible, making cleaning a breeze.

Adjustable height

The carrier system of wall-hung toilets allows for adjustable installation heights, catering to users’ specific needs and preferences. This adaptability enhances comfort and accessibility for people of varying sizes and mobility levels.

If you are planning to buy wall-hung toilets, we also have a buying tutorial for you, click here to view it.

Disadvantages Of Wall Hung Toilets

While wall-hung toilets have numerous advantages, it’s essential to consider some potential disadvantages:

Installation Complexity

Compared to traditional floor-mounted toilets, wall-hung toilets require more complex installation. The process involves cutting into the wall to create space for the carrier system and concealed tank. Professional installation may be necessary, leading to higher costs.


Wall-hung toilets tend to be more expensive than standard toilets. The additional components and specialized installation contribute to the higher price tag. The need for specific carrier systems and compatible flush plates can further increase costs.

Maintenance Challenges

Accessing the concealed tank and carrier system can be challenging if repairs or maintenance are required. Repairing or replacing components may involve dismantling parts of the wall, leading to inconvenience and additional costs.

Limited Design Options

While wall-hung toilets come in various styles, designs, and finishes, the selection may be more limited than floor-mounted toilets. Finding a wall-hung toilet that perfectly matches a specific aesthetic preference or bathroom design can be more challenging.

Wall Hung Toilets VS Standard Toilets

Floor Space

Wall-hung toilets are famous for their space-saving design. By being mounted on the wall, they free up floor space and create a more open and spacious feel in the bathroom. Standard toilets require more floor space due to the presence of the tank and base.


Standard toilets have a traditional two-piece design with a two-piece configuration having a separate tank and bowl. The tank is typically located behind or above the bowl, making it visible. At the same time, the wall-hun toilet features a modern look with a one-piece configuration. Here the tank is concealed inside the wall.

Standard toilets have many designs, whereas wall-hung bathrooms have limited design options.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Wall-hung toilets are generally easier to clean as there is no base on the floor, allowing for easy access to clean underneath. With their visible base, standard toilets can be more challenging to clean around and beneath.


Installing a wall-hung toilet is typically more complex than installing a standard bathroom. It requires a carrier system to be securely mounted within the wall, along with appropriate plumbing connections. Standard toilets have a more straightforward installation process, requiring a floor flange and link to the water supply.

Customizable Height

Wall-hung toilets offer the advantage of adjustable installation heights. This flexibility allows for customization based on the user’s preference and accessibility needs. Standard toilets typically have a fixed size, which may not be adjustable.

Noise and Vibration

Wall-hung toilets may generate more noise and vibration during flushing than floor-mounted toilets. The concealed tank’s proximity to the wall can amplify the sound and vibration, potentially causing discomfort.

I have detailed the differences between them in Standard Toilets vs. Wall-mounted Toilets.


Wall-hung toilets offer a combination of functionality, style, and convenience. Their unique design and efficient operation make them desirable for those seeking a modern, space-saving bathroom solution. With their concealed tanks, carrier systems, and sleek appearance, wall-hung toilets have become a symbol of contemporary bathroom design, revolutionizing how we approach toilet fixtures.

